Saturday, August 31, 2019
Diversity Training Essay
Research diversity training programs and their effectiveness. Discuss the purpose of diversity training and review the types of programs that are most effective in meeting goals for improving diversity within organizations. Diversity training is recommended to provide employees with the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate and relate to shareholders of different ethnicity, gender, mannerisms, sexual orientation, religion, and age. Diversity training has a positive impact on the company because it helps employees to respond more sensitively to differences in the workplace. Employees will become more aware of their actions, and mannerisms with others in the workplace. Also, it may be necessary to train managers in diversity in order to comply with the equal opportunity/affirmative action laws. Managers that are trained can effectively address diversity issues in the workplace (Reasons for Diversity, n.d.). Diversity training is effective if employees can recognize the advantages of becoming a culturally diverse workplace. Advantages can include; attracting and retaining valuable employees, increased innovation and creativity, and improved team performance. Organizations that encompass diversity can provide a better service or product if employees can understand their customer’s culture and background. The most effective approach for improving workplace diversity is to create a program to promote diversity hiring. A position or task force should be created who’s primarily responsibility is to oversee diversity hiring and training. Typically, diversity training is effectively taught through group exercises, role play, lectures, and video presentations. In conjunction with diversity training programs, the organization should promote employee involvement through diversity committees, diversity staff positions, and affirmative action plans (Rolander, n.d.). When employees are more involved, they become more aware of their actions and the actions of others to help promote diversity. References: Reasons for diversity training. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2010, from Ehow website: Rolander, G.-C. (n.d.). Creating effective diversity policies . In Divesity central. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from diversity_practitioners/research_07_04.html What are the ways an organization can identify managers with dysfunctional behaviors? Once these managers are identified, describe the various actions that could be undertaken to help them change these behaviors. The symptoms and warning signs of a dysfunctional manager include; arrogance in leadership, lack of leadership performance feedback (from employees), favoritism, over-management that inhibits communication between staff members, lack of collaboration, lack of teamwork, low productivity, decline in employee morale, backstabbing, and high rate of employee absenteeism and turnover (Jones, n.d.). Consequently, with bad workplace politics and performance, employees will often distance themselves and can become uncooperative if they feel discriminated against and unappreciated. In some cases, employees will resort to sabotaging the company name, and the organization will risk losing their high performers. Furthermore, employees will lose their motivation and productivity (Jones, n.d.). Once the managers are identified, performance-oriented goals should be set to cure the bad behavior (Jones, n.d.). Fist, the organization must identify the performance issues and get feedback from employees. Employee feedback can be evaluated through an employee feedback survey. The manager must be willing to participate in the change program and recognize their bad behavior. Team-building workshops can be used to educate and train management on effective communication and conflict resolution (Jones, n.d.). If differences are still apparent after arbitration, replacement of the uncooperative management is necessary. References: Jones, M. (n.d.). Dysfunctional Leadership & Dysfunctional Organization . In The Politics of failure: watch out for the warning signs of bad leadership. Retrieved April 7, 2010, from dysfunctionalleadershipdysfunctionalorganizations/index.htm
Friday, August 30, 2019
Plato’s Attack on Poetry
Poetry In order to understand Plato's attack on poetry we have to take in consideration the political and social context of Athens at that time. It was the context where Plato devoted all his efforts to uplift the moral condition of the individuals and the well being of the state. The aim of his literary criticism was to educate the youth and form them into good citizens of his ideal state. It was the age of political decline and the moral and educational standard of the citizens were in a poor state. The epics of Homer were very much rooted in every sphere of the society, and the influence of the poets on the society was too deep. Plato being a philosopher, to prove the superiority of the philosophy, he severely attacked poetry. Apart from poetry he criticized every other form of arts. Plato’s concepts on art were base son his Theory of Ideas. He believed that ideas are the ultimate reality. The ideas of everything are the original pattern and the things are the copies. So he viewed all forms of art as merely copies of copy, twice moved from reality. Things itself being imperfect and copies of the ideas, their reproduction in art must be more imperfect. He believed that the works of art takes man away from reality rather than leading to it. It neither helped to mould the character nor to promote the well being of the state. These were the basic principles underlined behind Plato’s critics on arts in general. Plato criticizes poetry in several of his dialogues, beginning with Apology, his first work, and ending with Laws, his last. Plato’s critics on poetry are basically concerned of two standards. The first concern was for the good of the individual and the state. Based on this standard he finds in poetry more to condemn it than approve. Same like his concepts about the other types of arts, his concepts about poetry also was under severe critic due to its unrealistic nature and its incapacity to be worthy to the society and individual. He severely condemned the incapacity of the art forms to get in to the roots/ reality and being concerned with only the twice removed reality. This was the first standard he used to condemn the poetry and other art forms in general. He attacked poetry on four groundsâ€â€moral, emotional, intellectual and utilitarian. Poetic inspiration: Poets does not write what he has thought to say, but because he is inspired. It means they do not compose the poem based on some virtue and reason, but based on some impulses and non rational kind coming from supernatural source. A sudden outpouring of the soul based on the sudden impulse of the moment does not be based on reason. Hence their pronouncements are unreliable and uncertain. They are not safe guides and it cannot be followed, it also cannot make the individuals a better citizens and the state a better organization. There might be some truth in them, for they are divinely inspired, but such partial and imperfect truths must be carefully examined. Such truths cannot use as substitute for knowledge based on reason. As the poems are based on the ‘divinely inspired’ and completely based on inspiration, sometimes the poets themselves cannot explain what they write. Another aspect of poetry which he criticizes is, the imitation or blind reliance on the passionate elements of the soul. He Plato divides the soul into three parts: (1) rational, (2) spirited, (3) appetitive. The imitation of the non rational part of the soul will give grater pleasure. The poets and the other artists imitates this baser, non rational part of the soul, and it leads them to away from reality and reason and become merely indulged in emotional outburst. The poets will be ashamed in their real life of the emotional over pouring which takes place during their poetic or other artistic performances. He condemns poetry in Republic X, for the poets, â€Å"they feed and water the passions instead of drying them up, and let them rule instead of ruling them as they ought to be ruled, with a view to the happiness and virtue of ‘mankind.†Based on all these ideas he strongly condemned poetry and argued that poetry cannot take the place of philosophy. The emotional appeal of poetry: Plato’s another charge against poetry is its appeal to the emotion. Being a product of inspiration, it effects emotion rather than reason, the heart rather than intellect. Emotions being just impulses like the poetic inspiration it cannot be trusted and act as safe guide as reason. The poetry at the time of Plato was tragic, in which the weeping and wailing were indulged to move the hearts of the spectators. He says in the republic â€Å"for f we let our own sense of pity grow strong by feeding upon the griefs of others, it is not easy to restrain it in the case of our own sufferings†. Non moral character. Plato’s another criticism against poetry is its lack of concern with morality. Poetry (and drama) is not conducive to social morality as poets pander to the popular taste and narrate tales of man's pleasant vices. Poe ts tell lies about gods. Gods and their representative heroes are represented as corrupt, immoral and dishonest in the epics of the poets (especially of Homer). This pervert public taste and morality. Children tend to imitate the doings of gods and other heroes as told to them by their mothers, they fashion their own conduct on what they read. It also hurt him to see virtue often coming to grief in the literature esteemed in his days – epics of Homer, narrative verse of Hesiod and tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides. He says in republic â€Å"they give us to understand that many evil livers are happy and many righteous men unhappy†. Plato attacks poetry on intellectual grounds as well: poets have no knowledge of truth, for they imitate appearances and not the truth of things, illusions instead of reality. Poets, like painters, imitate the surface of things. Beyond the world of the senses there is another world, the world of ideal reality, where concepts, like truth, virtue, beauty, etc. , exist in an ideal form. Poetry is the product of futile ignorance. The poet who imitates without really knowing what he is imitating is demonstrating both his lack of useful purpose and his lack of knowledge. At last Plato says that â€Å"no poetry should be admitted save hymns to the gods and panegyrics on famous men. †The poets may be honoured, but they must be banished from his ideal state.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
BUS 237 †Assignment 1: MIS Article Critique Essay
BUS 237 – Assignment 1: MIS Article Critique Due Date/Time: Check Canvas Assignments for the due date/time for your section! Objective and Background: Many of the concepts you will be learning throughout this course are best understood as well as more interesting if you are aware of current and emerging MIS-related news in academic journals, newspapers, and magazines. This assignment will allow you to share an article of your choice from a reputable source and critique it. Key concepts include: New and current technology; management information systems; innovation; writing business critiques; analyzing media news; and business communication skills. Directions: Find a recent article (within 6 weeks of this assignment’s deadline) from either: ï‚ · The Economist Harvard Business Review Bloomberg Business Week Wired The Globe and Mail The Financial Times New York Times Your choice of article may be generally based on a technological innovation or application of technology (successful or otherwise), or more specifically related to one of the topics we have discussed or will discuss in class (see course outline). You must ensure that you reference your article correctly using APA referencing style, as well as to reference any other sources you use. You should provide an electronic copy of your chosen article (PDF format required) with your submission. You are required to prepare a maximum two-page summary report of this article in Microsoft Word, including a critique and/or appraisal of the article’s content; and clearly point out how it relates to at least one of the concepts from BUS 237 lectures or textbook chapters. A note about your report: You should dedicate no more than one page to summarize the article with the rest reserved for critiquing the article. You will be critiquing the content of the article. Do not critique the writing style or grammar used in the article. Focus your critique on the opinions and facts presented in the article. You should present your opinions supported by external sources such as academic publications or news stories with your critique. Examples of such critique include agreeing/disagreeing with the major takeaways of the article or extending the main points of the article with external research or personal observations. It is acceptable to write the critique using the first-person view. Review carefully and edit your write-up for grammatical and spelling mistakes missed by MS Word’s auto-correct feature. Page 1 of 3 BUS 237 – Assignment 1: MIS Article Critique Submission Instructions: This assignment is to be submitted online, using the Canvas Assignments tool. Attach your completed assignment and required supporting file(s). You will submit a 3 page document including a cover page + 2 page report in MS Word. The document should be written in a business/professional format, well organized and easy to read. Deductions will apply for poor formatting, spelling/grammatical mistakes, and poor organization of ideas. Specifically, you are expected to use MS Word styles, citation/reference manager, and cover page features. Refer to Lab Unit 2 notes for detail. Format Requirements: Please use the following fonts only: Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma or Calibri. Do NOT use font size smaller than 11 pts. All page margins should be at least 2.5 cm (i.e., 1 inch or 72 pts). Double-space paragraph formatting is required. Only MS Word file format is accepted for the report – all other formats (e.g., PDF or MS Works) will NOT be accepted. This is very important to avoid display inconsistencies leading to unnecessary grading penalties. The cover page (this page does not count toward your report page limit) should clearly display the following information: your name, student number, TA’s name, and course/tutorial section number. Submit via Canvas Assignments tool the following two files: 1) MS Word Report consisting of your cover page + 2 pages of report content (3 pages in total) 2) PDF Copy of Article you selected for this assignment (your assignment cannot be graded without article!) Marking Criteria: Assignments are core components of BUS 237. See the assignment grading key on the last page for the evaluation criteria used to grade this assignment. Plagiarism: Students are expected to work independently on this assignment; therefore, a maximum grade of zero (0) will be given to students whose submissions suggest that they collaborated with others on their assignments. This applies to the original author of the work, as well as to those whose submissions resemble it! Late submissions will be penalized at the rate of -10 for 1 day, -50 for 2 days, -90 for 3 days! Missing assignments will result in an N (not complete) grade for this course!!! This automatically becomes a Failed (F) at the end of the semester, if the requirements (i.e., submitting the assignment) are not satisfied. Contact your TA immediately if you are having any problems with the Canvas submission process! Page 2 of 3 BUS 237 – Assignment 1: Grading Key Exceeds Expectations (20) Article directly related to ideas in course, and from reputable source Meets Expectations (15) Article indirectly related to ideas in course, and from reputable source Approaches Expectations (10) Article indirectly related to ideas in course, and not from reputable source Fails Expectations (5) Article does not relate to ideas in course, and/or is not from reputable source Structure Organization appropriate, appropriate length, good presentation Organization ok, reasonable length, reasonable presentation Several problems with organization, length, or presentation Inappropriate organization, length or presentation Content & Tone Presents critique and appraisal of key ideas; Appropriate tone established and maintained throughout report in a business professional style Some problems with presentation of critique and appraisal of key ideas; Appropriate tone established but not maintained consistently Poor effort to critique and appraise key ideas; Appropriate tone neither established nor maintained consistently No effort to critique and appraise key ideas; Inappropriate tone used
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Team and leadership db5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Team and leadership db5 - Essay Example Others usually report late, hardly understands instructions, show signs of unwillingness, and lack of commitment. These are some of the challenges I have encountered as an assistant project manager. Warren & Biederman (1997) believes that sometimes, it is difficult to bring the employees on board to work together. Conversely, I have had numerous occasions when I have worked successfully with different people at the university. I had the opportunity of being appointed the group leader of student’s discussion groups. Most of the student were very ambitious and worked smoothly to ensure they attained their goals. I suppose it was easy to work with the students since they were eager to attain high grades in their final examination; they were all geared towards a general path, success. Working with the students was easy because they understood that the team is capable of broadening what individuals can do. They also understood that teamwork improves efficacy, creates a wider range of ideas, provides relief when someone has a problem, and team member learns skills from their colleagues (Katzenbach & Douglas, 1993). In short, working as a team can be quite impressive and quite devastating depending on the perception of every team member. Nonetheless, building a team remains a challenge for many team leaders. Above all, it is noteworthy to build a strong team to ensure that projects are successful and efficient (Geoffrey,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Major changes in family forms and structures that have taken place in Essay
Major changes in family forms and structures that have taken place in Australia since Federation - Essay Example Gilding (1995, p.8) contends that the family form is a ‘social ordering of kinship and co-residence’ that is politically asserted with the aim of attaching relations based on reliance and commitment but that the family members alter and modify that form to meet their own needs and demands. The historical definition proposed by sociologists and anthropologists was the ‘nuclear family’, which was thus considered as the norm to the extent by some that the construct was a universal ‘basic living unit’ (Baker, 2001, p.7). Today the term ‘nuclear family’ is still under contention, with some believing the ideal is a myth (Eichler, 1997, cited in Baker 2001) to which very few households have and do actually adhere; for others it is the norm but declining (Briggs, 1994; Gilding, 1995). Bittman & Pixley (1997) believe the fact that the nuclear family is declining at the rapid pace as proposed by government statistics and researchers, is itsel f a myth. While they agree there is a diversity of family units, they assert that the measurements are invalid because they are taken at a particular point in time and that people move via a succession of changes wherein they move in and out of a nuclear family structure. What is apparent however, despite the myth or reality of a nuclear family being the norm within Australian society, is that the family structure and form has changed and become more diverse, particularly over the last four decades, for a number of reasons. Since the post war period more Australians have been marrying later and divorcing earlier; marrying partners from different ethnicities; making choices on whether to have children, how many and when; living in de-facto relationships (cohabitating) with and without children, living within homosexual or lesbian partnerships, with or without children, and mixing their family roles (Briggs, 1994). It is quite common to find Australian children living in sole parent f amilies, step parent families, extended families, same-sex families and foster families (Saggers & Sims, 2004). This diversity has been a progressive process over the last century due to the changes in fertility patterns, with women giving birth to 6 children on average pre-Federation to the current day average of 2 children per woman; increasing lifespan resulting in an aging population and an increase in the number of divorces and people choosing not to marry (Bittman & Pixley, 1997). Family diversity in Australia can also be attributed partly to immigration resulting in cultural and ethnic diversity. Immigrants bring a plethora of different beliefs, ideals, behaviours and languages, together with their family structures and relationships, and the roles each member plays within those family forms. Cultural diversity also incorporates Australia’s indigenous people, who again bring their own family structures and values to the stage. Thus the Australian family now incorporate s those that are not only diverse in terms of size (single parent, nuclear or extended families); they are also diverse in terms of organisation (Saggers & Sims, 2004) and the way in which children are raised, how elderly parents are cared for, and they are diverse in expectations of gender. Social changes and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Biodiesel an Alternative Source of Fuel Research Paper
Biodiesel an Alternative Source of Fuel - Research Paper Example Due to the emergence of many industries involved in converting â€Å"raw materials into finished goods†, biodiesel proves to be an alternative source of fuel to suit the operations of the existing and emerging industries (Kowalski, 2010). This fuel is also suitable for diesel vehicles. Biodiesel is a kind of energy generated from fats or vegetable oils combined with alcohol (Kowalski, 2010). This fuel is ideal for diesel engines, as it does not require the modifications of the engines for its use. The United States of America generates this fuel by using soybean oil. Many companies prefer to generate this fuel from already used fats and at times use grease. Biodiesel is effective, as one may prefer mixing it with diesel or use it alone. Biodiesel is ideal during its use as it is friendly to the environment and nontoxic. It is a recyclable fuel. Biodiesel tend to burn cleanly with minimal chocking smell and emits an insignificant portion of smoke. This fuel is not a source of p ollution as it emits insufficient amounts of pollutants such as â€Å"carbon (1V) Oxide and hydrocarbons and no sulfur†is contained in this substitute source of fuel (Kowalski, 2010). During its preparation, filtration of the fats or oils extensively is necessary to remove the contaminants and water present. Biodiesel contains high amounts of energy and its accurate tackiness makes it apposite for use in all vehicles and equipment that require diesel. In order to realize energy liberty, Biodiesel is the initiative to take and follow (Kowalski, 2010). Preparing Biodiesel Transesterification is the procedure of coming up with biodiesel. This process involves a chemical reaction thus a catalyst is necessary to augment the speed of reaction. Since the fats and oils are hydrocarbons, filtration is a prerequisite to clean them. After they are clean, alcohol is added to the mixture and a catalyst introduced. Sodium hydroxide is the preferred catalyst to speed up its manufacture. Th e catalyst does not become part of fuel in any way. The resulting product of the chemical reaction is biodiesel fuel (Demirbas, 2008). Biodiesel has become popular as heating oil in many countries with many residents of the United States using this fuel in place of household oil. Letter â€Å"B†comes along with a certain number to mark it. The number represents the percentage of this fuel in a mixture of petroleum and biodiesel. For example, a combination of 30% biodiesel and 70% petroleum is denoted as B30. B20 is the most popular biodiesel globally. Compared to the fossil fuels, biodiesel emits fifty percent less hydrocarbon and minimum amounts of sulfates and oxides (Demirbas, 2008). Over the past twenty years, biodiesel has proved to be a substitute fuel. It offers preventive measures of handling and transporting as its biodegradable. To eliminate low temperature gelling, additives are readily available in the market. The companies announce on a gel additive that blends well with B100 to prevent gelling of temperature without altering the engine components. To maintain the stability of the fuel, recommendations are that blends of biodiesel above B20 to be used not more than six months after its production. Uses of fuel functions optimally above B20 in older vehicles, precautions are necessary due to deposits left by petrol diesel. Biodiesel dissolves the sediments that in turn obstruct the fuel sift. â€Å"Positive Impacts of Biodiesel on the Environment†Biodiesel as an alternative source of fuel offers some positive impacts on the human health as well as the environment. The largest impact made by this fuel on the environment is that it serves to reduce smog.
The Growth Strategy of Zara Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Growth Strategy of Zara - Essay Example Strengths and the particular faults or weaknesses comprise the internal factors while the prospects and threats comprise the external factors (Torun 7). In terms of the firm’s strength, it is undoubted that the entire management concerned with its operations ensures quick delivery of new merchandise. This contributes to the efficiency of its operations to a given extent. Moreover, the affiliation has armed itself with ingenious innovators with diverse and creative ideas with regard to its apparel designs that make it be competitive in the marketplace. Moreover, Zara’s chain management techniques are ingenious and emanate from the prospective management aptitudes of its management personnel (Torun 7). However, in its daily operations, Zara still portends various weak points in terms of its management, in the case of selling its name to the entire global extent. In this regard, it is factual that the affiliation does not invest much into advertising itself on the global market. Lack of advertisement is a hazard to the business strategy as it is a barrier to the expansion of its services to the international level. Besides, the current advertisements are apparently few and not numerous numbers of prospective customers to the chain are conversant with it. With regard to the external examination of factors, opportunities are available for every affiliation that has a dynamic and effectual growth strategy. Furthermore, Zara is not an exception to them as it has prospects as inculcating online markets where it can sell its merchandise even without bodily contact with their clientele. This makes it possible for immense growth (Torun 7). Moreover, the availability of worldwide markets is another prospect. Additionally, it faces potential threats like overt competition from both worldwide and local competitors.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Financial products in banking sector Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Financial products in banking sector - Thesis Example ATM and Locker Services are mostly provided to deposit holders or account holders of a bank. They can store their valuables in lockers guarded by the bank’s own staff and can deposit and withdraw money using the ATM card provided by the bank. Similarly, Home Loans are provided on an application from the bank’s customers and same is the case with study loans. Credit Cards are not usually provided by banks. They are issued by international carriers like VISA and MasterCard with commercial banks only acting as intermediaries. (Randall, 1994) Corporate Banking is where the bulk of the bank’s money is invested. These are large loans and LC services. LC services are provided to exporters and importer and are also known as documents of exchange. However, these are not funded facilities with banks only acting as a guarantor. These become funded facilities when the bank’s party or customers fail to meet what is expected of them. References: Lipsey, Richard and Chry stal, Alec. (2003). Economics. Oxford University Press. Randall, Harold. (1994). Accounting. Letts Educational.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Social issues in canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Social issues in canada - Essay Example As the nation has a lot of Catholic individuals, any kind of abortion was not tolerated. From 1969, abortion was permitted in the event when the life of a mother is said to be at risk. Illegal abortions were still done and in 1988, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, an abortionist was faced with abortion charges. Finally, the court ruled that the present abortion regulations in Canada epitomized an unconstitutional burden on women rights. This made the law to be upended (McCullough, 2014). Even though the Canadian Supreme Court allowed for other limits on abortion, the government of Canada has never approved any of the limits. Women in Canada are at liberty to abort and it is seen to be a degree of laxity that has not been seen in any part of the western world. The Canadian health care system is seen to be functioning properly and liked by most individuals for the services they provide. Since 1960s, the Canadian government started a slow process of removing out the profit making health clinics, hospitals and insurance. They were later replaced with universal, new and health care system funded by the government. Currently, every individual in Canada is offered comprehensive health insurance without requesting. This is done by the use of public health coverage plans that different provincial governments run (McCullough, 2014). It means that every Canadian individual does not need to pay for his/her medical bills or depend on their employers for any health insurance. A small amount on monthly premiums is charged by the government while it steps in to clear the majority of the bill for operations, check-ups and exams. It is not easy to maintain a health care system. Currently, many Canadian individuals need to purchase supplementary private health insurance required in paying for eye examinations, operations termed as non-essential by the government and dentist examinations. Likewise, hospitals in Canada mostly have a lot of patients because they are accessed easily. This
Friday, August 23, 2019
Teaching strategies and adaptations shown to be effective for teaching Essay
Teaching strategies and adaptations shown to be effective for teaching individuals with learning disabilities - Essay Example Teaching Strategies for Learning Disabled Students Teaching strategies play a critical role in improving the learning abilities of learning-disabled children. Those strategies assist the teachers not only in interacting with learning-disabled children but also in improving learning and comprehension abilities of the children. Some of the most appropriate teaching strategies include repeated reading intervention, evidence based reading strategy, computer based teaching strategy, and reading comprehension strategy for the learning-disabled students. In repeated learning reading intervention strategy, repeated reading practices are used to provide multiple exposures to same words to the disabled children. â€Å"For students with or at risk for learning disabilities, developing fluency with reading connected texts remains a formidable challenge†(Chard, Ketterlin-Geller, Baker, Doabler, & Apichatabutra, 2009, p. 263-281). Evidence based and reading comprehension strategies are ver y effective in improving the literacy sills of the children.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Federalist Papers, James Madison Essay Example for Free
The Federalist Papers, James Madison Essay In the Federalist Papers, James Madison and others outline their logic both in favor of and against ratification of the Constitution. One of the largest parts of these arguments was the discussion of separation of powers and functions. James Madison outlined one problem inherent in having a multi-branched governmentâ€â€namely the idea of encroachment. He viewed this as a problem with several sources and proposed several solutions. The Constitution redresses the problem of encroachment in several ways. He also feels that in the views of today, we must evaluate if Madison was correct in perceiving encroachment as a problem.  We must also evaluate if Madison’s source was correct. Madison also felt that the new Constitution did not violate a basic political maxim of having the political departments separate and distinct. First of all, we must define what Madison means by â€Å"encroachment.† In Federalist 47, Madison uses the British government’s constitution as a basis for his definition. At its core, encroachment is where each branch of government encroaches upon the powers and duties of the other branches of government. Under the British system, he says, â€Å"the executive magistrate forms an integral part of the legislative authority. He alone has the perogative of making treaties with foreign sovereigns, which, when made, have, under certain limitations, the force of legislative acts (Madison, 1788).† Additionally, â€Å"all the members of the judiciary department are appointed by him, can be removed by him on the address of the two Houses of Parliament, and form, when he pleases to consult them, one of his constitutional councils (Madison, 1788).†Also in Federalist 47, Madison identifies the sources of encroachment. To whit, the sources of encroachment are the very states themselves. He gives several examples, but points out that in each case, there is an â€Å"eye to the danger of improperly blending the different departments (Madison, 1788).†    Complete distinction of the various branches, while an ideal goal to aspire to, was nearly impossible to gain simply because the nature of governance made each branch dependent upon each other. Madison viewed this as a problem because he felt that â€Å"the nature of a free government will admit; or as is consistent with that chain of connection that binds the whole fabric of the constitution in one dissoluble bond of unity and amity (Madison, 1788).† In other words, laws are made and executed by the same body, tyranny will almost certainly result. Additionally, he felt that the governing bodies would misunderstand that pre-established limits and would not work within them, thus expanding their powers when making decisions and intentionally or not encroaching upon the different branches of government. Madison proposed several things that would help control encroachment. One of the proposals was adopted at the Constitutional Convention. That is, to have a lack of a hereditary monarch. This would help usurp tyranny because placing limitations on the length and extent of the executive’s power and tenure would also control encroachment. Of all the departments, Madison was most fearful of the legislative. Its far-reaching powers would lead most definitely to encroachment. Additionally, he said that the assembly would seek to â€Å"indulge all their jealousy and exhaust all their precautions (Madison 1788).† In other words, the assembly would be more prone to encroachment because it had power over who would fill the positions in other departmentsâ€â€from cabinet positions to judgeships, the legislature encroaches on nearly every aspect of every department. The next solution Madison proposed was the appealing to the people through a convention. This concept was brought forth in Federalist 49. His idea was to call a convention whenever two of the three branches â€Å"shall concur in opinion, each by the voices of two-thirds of their whole number (Madison, 1788).†This convention would be a â€Å"convention †¦ necessary for altering the Constitution or correcting breaches of it (Madison, 1788).† Madison thought this was the ultimate solution in correcting encroachments into each of the different departments. He states quite forcefully in Federalist 50 that PERIODICAL appeals are the proper and adequate means of PREVENTING AND CORRECTING INFRACTIONS OF THE CONSTITUTION (Madison, 1788).†Finally, Madison proposed giving each department a constitutional means to resist encroachment. This would definitely end the encroachment problem as Madison saw it, because each department would be armed to deal with any encroachments. He saw the largest chance of encroachment to come from the legislative branch and to keep it from becoming too powerful, he proposed dividing the legislature into branches with a different election schedule and different functions, and therefore they are as little connected as possible (Madison, 1788). The Constitution redresses the idea of encroachment very easily. It simply divides the three branches of government and assigns certain powers to each. For example, the legislative branch does exactly that, legislates, but in order to completely do its job, it requires the executive branch to sign the bills into laws and provide a budget. The other check on legislative power is the judicial branch. The judicial branch makes sure that the legislative branch does not overstep its authority by passing laws detrimental to the American people. We must evaluate in our twenty first century vision if Madison did indeed get this problem right. Is encroachment as big a problem as Madison thought, or is it simply a necessary evil? Is encroachment as it exists, and its sources as Madison saw them, correct? Do his solutions work in a twenty first century context or do they simply stonewall an already slow and arduous process? These are the questions that we need to answer in order to apply Madison’s ideas to our modern governance. Encroachment as Madison saw it is a problem, but a necessary evil. Because of our delicate democracy, we must have some level of encroachment among the departments. The whole concept of checks and balances revolves around the idea that each department must necessarily encroach upon the power of another to keep it from moving outside its constitutional powers. The sources as Madison saw them were indeed correct. The traditions created by the writers of the state constitutions created the problem of encroachment. Since the problem was so entrenched, divorcing encroachment in the states from encroachment in the federal government is nearly impossible. Tradition is a very hard thing to get rid of, and Madison was right to see it, but wrong to try to eliminate it from the federal mà ©lange. Madison’s solutions are somewhat beneficial, as some are already in place, but others would be too difficult to implement and would stonewall an already slow and arduous process. The limitation of the extent and duration keeps the executive from becoming too powerful. The legislature already limits encroachment due to its expansive lawmaking abilities and duties. How did Madison not feel the new Constitution not violate that political maxim of not blending the three branches of government? The answer is that they did not blend. Each department is separate and distinct, with its own set of duties and responsibilities, yet each is dependent on the others so each does not gain too much power. Madison also feels that there are â€Å"means and personal motives (1788)†that will help maintain the separation of powers as defined in the Constitution. By this, Madison means that the people that run the department should have constitutional means at their disposal in order to be able to resist the encroachments of the other branches. He feels that human nature is such that people would make a grab for power, and such means should be in place â€Å"to control the abuses of government (Madison, 1788).† Constitutional restrictions would keep such grabs from happening, and control the machinations of people intent on tyranny. The Jeffersonian strict separation of powers would not work in a flexible and dynamic government. It would be a recipe for tyranny. By having strict separation of powers, there would be no checks on the powers of each branch, and each branch would be allowed to become almost as powerful as it wanted. The legislative branch could push through legislation of its choosing with no regards for the power of the presidency and the judicial. The judicial could kill any legislation it did not like and pass law from the bench, and the presidency could overrun the other two branches. This would set up a situation of tyranny that would never be able to be rectified. However, Madison (1788) tells us that â€Å"in republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates.† His solution was to divide the legislature into parts, thus emasculating it to keep it from overrunning the other two branches. Madison got the idea of encroachment right. From his perspective, encroachment was a problem with easy solutions. Even though it was entrenched in our society from colonial days, the establishment of the three branches of government along with assigned powers assured that there would be no encroachment of one branch onto another. Some of his solutions were easy, while others were more difficult. Madison would be proud of what has been accomplished and would be a welcomed visitor in our time. He would be a sage advisor and would be able to give us insight into how our constitution was designed to work and would give us direction on where to go next. We need to continue to look at his words for insight and input in order to make our Constitution a more living, breathing document. Works Cited Madison, James. Method of Guarding Against the Encroachments of Any One Department of           Government by Appealing to the People Through a Convention. The Federalist Papers          No. 49, 01 Feb 1788 6 Mar 2009 http://wwwfounding Madison, James. The Particular Structure of the New Government and The Distribution of      Power Among Its Different Parts. The Federalist Papers No. 47, 01 Feb 1788  6 Mar         2009 Madison, James. Periodical Appeals to the People Considered. The Federalist Papers No. 50, 05 Feb 1788 6 Mar            2009 Madison, James. The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and          Balances Between the Different Departments. The Federalist Papers No. 51 08, Feb           1788 6 Mar 2009 Madison, James. These Departments Should Not Be So Far Separated as to Have         Constitutional Control Over Each Other. The Federalist Papers No. 48, 05 Feb 1788  6           Mar 2009
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Junior High School Essay Example for Free
Junior High School Essay It was during my 7th grade year that I decided upon my answer to the age-old question: â€Å"What do you want to be when you grow up? †Being that it was my first year at a junior high school, I was a little intimidated. I wasn’t fond of making new friends, so I stuck with the people I already knew from the year before. Jonathan, one of my closer friends, was as introverted as I was. He wasn’t looking for a whole lot of attention, but he did want to involve himself in school. Jonathan asked me to join the school’s drama club with him, so he wouldn’t have to do it alone. I decided to humor him and attend the first meeting one day before school. When I walked in the doors, I saw kids laughing and joking around. It was such a comfortable atmosphere; I barely even felt as if I was still at school. Drama club wasn’t just some club, it was a place for me to be comfortable with myself. It was an escape from the humdrum school days which seemed to get longer as time passed. The drama club was filled with people who weren’t afraid to make fools of themselves and wouldn’t judge me when I did the same. I could let myself be silly and not feel ashamed. I played games like ‘Understudy’ where a skit is started with a few students, the leader interrupts, and the students are replaced with new ones. The new actors then carry on the same general plot of the skit. It was the most fun I had experienced in such a long time. I caught myself going every Tuesday and Friday morning before school. We even planned to do a play one day after lunch. For once I was hoping to get some attention. I wanted to be seen. I had never wanted something like that before. I always laid low and kept to myself, but now I was on stage reading lines. The funny thing about all of this was that I wanted to do it. It was my decision, and I was happy with it. I enjoyed myself so much that I wanted to experience it more often, but with no theater in town, it was easier for me to watch movies. I watched more and more, and before I knew it, I started paying more attention to the actors instead of the storyline. I would watch a couple of movies that all featured one actor to see how his or her style would change. One in particular changed my amateur views of acting altogether, Primal Fear featuring Edward Norton who portrayed an older teen with multi personality disorder. His ability to make 180 ° turns in a single scene fascinated me. I could compare this to Sally Field’s role in the movie Sybil. I tried to find more movies with Edward that were as mind-blowing as the last. I watched Fight Club and noted that he again played a character with a split personality. Leaves of Grass was next on the list. Edward acted as his own twin brother, one who was a college professor while the other was a drug dealer. It seemed to me that his strategy was to unveil the pencil-thin line dividing good and evil or moral/immoral. It was amazing to me that I could learn so much about one person by watching him or her portray others. I fell in love with this theory, so I decided to try my hand at them by joining the Teche Theater of Performing Arts. I auditioned for a play named Gypsy based on the life of Gypsy Rose Lee. The role I was given was not very substantial, but it was a role nonetheless. Rehearsals lasted all summer, and I dedicated myself. I showed up early, and I stayed late. I sang and danced after I told myself I would never do that on stage. I realized my motivation was in the applause. I was looking for a thrill, and I found it in the crowd. I found it in making people laugh. I found it in making friends. Now THAT was different. Now, I was different. I was happy. I used this motivation to better myself. I did more shows at the theater, and I met new people. One of which was Mrs. Diane Wiltz, the main director at the Teche Theater. She would tell me how impressed she was by my versatility on stage, but she wasn’t ever afraid to point out when I was doing something wrong. She taught me to improvise when appropriate, push my character onto the audience, be loud, and overact. â€Å"Don’t hold back,†she would say, â€Å"when you think it’s too much, it is just right. †She also taught me to act comfortable in situations that might not be comfortable. Her advice was not bound to theater. I found that I could incorporate the lessons she taught me into everyday life. I took heed to the advice that she gave me. I did a few experiments to see how I could use these lessons offstage. I started pushing myself to be more extroverted at school by talking to more people, even the teachers. I became comfortable joking with complete strangers. I noticed that my overall attitude towards life changed somewhere along the way. I wanted to make people feel good. It felt good hearing laughter or applause, so I looked for it everywhere I went. I further involved myself in school and the theater. I took on roles in several more productions at Teche, becoming a regular there. The Teche Theater was like a second home to me by then, and I wanted so badly to do this for the rest of my life. I then decided to make plans to act professionally. I looked into finding a school that would help me get a foot into an acting career. I stumbled upon a film organization associated with the University of New Orleans. How could I make my way into an organization that I knew nothing about? It would be way over my head considering I knew little to nothing about film, and I wasn’t a student of UNO. I needed to get a little experience at another college before jumping into being a full-time student in New Orleans, so I decided to enroll at Nicholls State University. As of now, I plan on finishing my freshman year at Nicholls before transferring to the University of New Orleans. When I enroll at UNO, I will major in film arts and production. I will work with fellow students on projects as well as doing a few projects of my own. I will also work to serve as an intern on any major motion picture sets that is offered. Students at the University of New Orleans have helped work on the set of movies like Ray, Runaway Jury, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. These opportunities will hopefully open more doors for me, helping me start a career in this field. I look forward to seeing how I fare in a career that is so difficult to jumpstart, and I can’t help but to think of the people that inspired me and pushed me to be on the path that I am on today.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Is Electromagnetic Radiation Dangerous?
Is Electromagnetic Radiation Dangerous? There are many rumors and claims about electromagnetic radiations risk. So investigation about some rumors about electromagnetic radiations risk is gathered to this paper. As a result, we got information (1) non-ionizing radiation from home electronics is not severely harmful for us, (2) strong electromagnetic radiation will cause machine error to generate sparks and electrical currents, (3) electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not regarded as a medical condition, and (4) electronic harassment may exist. These results means electromagnetic radiation has risk of machine errors and misuse. But machine errors caused by electromagnetic radiation are taken measures. So we should take measure to misuse of electromagnetic radiation. Index Terms electromagnetic radiation, risks of electromagnetic radiation, machine errors, electronic harassment I. INTRODUCTION Electromagnetic wave is dangerous, electromagnetic radiation makes us leukemia, cancer, and cataract. Such rumors about electromagnetic radiations risk are in many websites and books. Electromagnetic wave and electromagnetic radiation are invisible, odorless, and of course, vapidly. So we can not where electromagnetic waves exist and we tend to think insensible things are false or very dangerous. What is electromagnetic wave and electromagnetic radiation? Electromagnetic wave is wave, of course. Electromagnetic wave can propagate in a vacuum and matter independently [1]. Also, electromagnetic wave is made from electric fields and magnetic fields [1]. So electromagnetic waves are generated from electric currents. On the other hand, electromagnetic radiation is a phenomenon which electromagnetic waves carry energy and spread [1]. It is often called EMR. Also, there are many kinds of EMR. For example, x-rays, microwaves, and light. EMR is classified by its waves frequency or wavelength [1]. High frequency electromagnetic waves have short wavelength and high energy, and low frequency electromagnetic waves have long wavelength and low energy. If frequency of electromagnetic wave changes, EMRs characteristic and behavior also changes [1]. For example, EMR such as ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays have high frequency and high energy enough to ionize atoms and molecules [2]. They are called ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is contributing to medical treatment, industry, and power generation. But because of its high energy, it causes DNA damage and radiation poisoning when it is misused [2]. On the other hand, EMR such as visible light, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves have low frequency and low energy not enough to ionize atoms and molecules [3]. So they are called non-ionizing radiation. Risks of ionizing radiation are easy to show and easy to understand whereas risks of non-ionizing radiation are very difficult to study. So there are many rumors about non-ionizing radiations risks in many websites and books. For more arranged information about EMR, to use diagrams of the electromagnetic spectrum like Fig 1. are good ways. The electromagnetic spectrum means possible frequency of electromagnetic waves and the electromagnetic spectrum is often expressed as a diagram with useful information. So you can understand relationship between frequency and EMRs characteristics easily to use diagrams of the electromagnetic spectrum. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡. METHOD Figure 1. An example of electromagnetic spectrums diagram. Figure reproduced from [4]. Today, Scientists have enormous knowledge about electromagnetic radiation. But in fact, there are many rumors about electromagnetic radiation. Risks of electromagnetic radiation are ambiguous and we do not know clearly about risks of electromagnetic radiation especially non-ionizing radiation. So the study investigated about some common rumors about electromagnetic radiation, (1) electromagnetic radiations from power lines, power plants, TVs, and mobile phones are bad for our body and they cause leukemia and cancer, (2) Electromagnetic radiation causes machine errors, (3) Electromagnetic radiation cause electromagnetic hypersensitivity, (4) Some people are misusing electromagnetic radiation for electronic harassment. To clarify risks of electromagnetic radiation is important for proper measure, proper regulation, and safer society. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡. METHOD To do these investigations, online resources were used. In this paper, Wikipedia and WHOs factsheets were mainly used, and some websites about electronic harassment were used. Also, to find these online resources, Google was used. Keyword electromagnetic wave was used in Google to find [1], and [2], [3], [4] were found as link in [1]. Also, keywords electromagnetic radiation health were used in Google to find [5], and [6] was found as link in [5]. In addition, keywords WHO electromagnetic wave health were used in Google to find [7], and [8] were found as link in [7]. Finally, keywords à ©Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ »Ãƒ §Ã‚ £Ã‚ à ¦Ã‚ ³Ã‚ ¢ à §Ã…  ¯Ãƒ §Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ª(electromagnetic wave crime) were used in Google to find [10], and [9] were found as link in [10]. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¢. RESULTS First, according to Wikipedia and WHOs factsheets, electromagnetic radiations from power lines, power plants, TVs, and mobile phones are not severely harmful for us [5,6,7]. Electromagnetic radiations from power lines, power plants, TVs, and mobile phones have extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves. So they do not have energy enough to destroy or burn cells and DNA. Also, according to WHOs research, there are no evidences that show extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves are harmful for cells and DNA [8]. In other words, non-ionizing radiations from home electronics are safe if they are not too strong. Also, these online resources refer to electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a disease which causes self-described headaches, nauseas, and lassitude. People who have Electromagnetic hypersensitivity claim we feel sick where electromagnetic radiations exist and electrical devices which generate electromagnetic radiation such as mobile phones, TVs, and computers make us sick. But these online resources also say electromagnetic radiation is not responsible for electromagnetic hypersensitivity [5,6,7,]. In addition, electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not regarded as a medical condition. It may come from a fear of electromagnetic radiations or placebo effects. Second, strong electromagnetic radiation cause electrical currents and electrical arcs (sparks) and electrical currents and electrical arcs from strong electromagnetic radiation cause machines overloads and errors. Also, strong electromagnetic radiation cause explosion to ignite flammable objects and gases to cause sparks. Like this, it often causes severe accidents [5]. Especially, army must think of this risk because strong electromagnetic radiation can make errors weapons such as missiles and bombers. For example, US Army defines electromagnetic radiation hazards (RADHAZ or EMR hazards): Hazards caused by electrical equipments such as radars and antennas that generates strong electromagnetic radiation near weapons, fuels, and people. Of course, if the accidents cause, they will be big and dangerous. So, for example, MIL-STD-464A shows electromagnetic radiation assessment. Third, electronic harassment may exist [9,10]. Electronic harassment is a severe harassment using electromagnetic radiation to torture and damage target parson from far places. This harassment leaves very few evidences, so electronic harassment is considered as an urban myth. But there are many groups and networks of victims of electronic harassment and most victims are reporting harassments and damages specifically, gathering evidences, and revealing severe harassment. Some people claim they have schizophrenia and obsession. But many victims of electronic harassment can think logically and they leave their consideration. Some victims study electromagnetism hard and do experiments. Also, many documents imply electronic harassment is executable todays technology [9,10]. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ £. DISCUSSION These results means electromagnetic radiation is not dangerous if it is controlled or in ordinary environments. Of course, ionizing radiation is dangerous if it is not controlled, but non-ionizing radiation do not cause severe health problems. So extremely low frequency wave from power lines, power plants, TVs, and mobile phones is not very dangerous for us. In addition, if the risk of leukemia and cancer doubles, the number of patient of leukemia and cancer will increase very little because the risk of leukemia and cancer is very little. But these results also mean electromagnetic radiation has risk of machine errors and misuse. We must control electromagnetic radiation, especially strong electromagnetic radiation properly, to prevent terrible accidents such as explosion. Also, machine errors caused by electromagnetic radiation are taken measures, but misuse of electromagnetic radiation is not taken measures. So we should think of take measures to misuse of electromagnetic radiation such as electronic harassment. If misuses of electromagnetic radiation such as electronic harassment are not taken measured, our society will be horrible, and oppressed. Thus, electromagnetic radiations have the risk of machine error and misuse such as electronic harassment. So we should make new regulation about electromagnetic radiation as soon as possible. Video Games: A Great Source Of Entertainment Video Games: A Great Source Of Entertainment Nowadays, people in the world are so busy with their activities where they do not have enough time to waste. This is why for getting a job, they need to be trained. And video games can now play a vital role for this. For example, if someone wants to learn driving, he can use video game console to train himself. There are so many institutes that train people in virtual world. And this is now saving peoples valuable time. Some researchers report that video game make people smarter. As Dr Bavelier, (2012) points out that, people who play action games such as shooting games make them faster. This is why they can focus well in their specific job field. It is kind of training. In addition, multitasking means people who can do different tasks at the same time. For example, people who play shooting or action games are faster at changing tasks than other people (Bavelier, 2012). In addition, gamers can do physical and mental exercise by playing video games. When a gamer plays video game, he needs to be faster and alert all the time. For example, when someone plays racing games, suddenly he may needs to change his direction and he has to do this quickly. And it affects their brain. That is why they always think quickly. Not only that, there are some strategy games can make them clever. For instance, when they play this kind of games, they always have to concentrate and think critically. And at that time, their brain work rapidly and make them faster, quicker and clever in real life. According to Park, (2011). there are some games such as walking on a treadmill or dance dance revolution can help gamers for doing physical exercise. For example, gamers need to press the gamepad button quickly as well as they have to move their body all the time. Moreover, video games also might help people to learn english, especially who do not know english very well. For examp le, some action-strategy games such as L.A Noire, Grand Theft Auto, Desperadoes and so on have some critical missions where gamers must need to know english very well. Otherways, gamers may not understand the purpose of the mission. There was a research by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) reports that, people who play videogames can perform 10-20 percent higher than non-game players. So, videogames improving their abilities. In addition, there are certain video games such as Brain Age and Guitar Hero can also improve gamers hand-eye coordination as well as boost auditory sense (Dr. Kornel, 2011). According to Kornel, (2011), brain is always working and it is in learning mode. That is why new synapses are being formed between the neurons. And it means, gamers are learning something new through games. Not only that, videogames can help people to make a good interaction in social life. For example, children can play just dance with their parents or grandparents. This is a kind of bridge between two generation. Moreover, young adults or children play games online. For example, gamers who play Fifa, can create a tournament and add their friends online. This is why, they can maintain social life in the virtual world and it helps them to keep in touch with their friends and family. However, video game software and hardware companies such as EA, nintendo, konami, sega, ubisoft, DS, sony, microsoft and so on are selling millions of games and hardware every year. And this amount is increasing. They are earning millions of dollars every year. In 2010, nintendo earned $15.75 billion, Sony earned $13.4 billion, Microsoft got $12.82 billion as well as there are so many companies earned billions of dollars at the same time. Not only that, game developers are also get a large amount of money as their salary. Develop stuff (2013) reports that the average income of game developer is more than  £34000. So, this is one of the most valuable business in all over the world. On the other hand, there are also some demerits of playing video games. Many people claim that, crime and violence are being increased because of video games. And it is true that, there are some notorious crimes are occurring by young adults and adults. Especially, those who are between the age group of 18-35. Violent games such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, Mafia and so on are responsible to enhance people to do crime. There are some dangerous violence had occurred past few years. According to NDTV, (2012) reports that, Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 innocent people in Norway. There were more than 400 hundred people included police in the island also he wanted to kill all of them. And then, investigators found that Breivik actually inspired by violent video games to kill people. And he trained himself by playing this kind of games. The Guardian, (2012) also reports that an american gunman killed 20 people in a school. And he also inspired by violent video games. And this is k ind of sickness. Moreover, people who are mentally sick by playing video games robbing banks, doing crimes on the street and so on. Actually, this kind of people feel lonely and play violent video games more than 12 hours everyday and they are not keep in touch with their family. This is why, it affects them much than other gamers. And this kind of addiction make them sick mentally. Moreover, nowadays children and young adults do not go to playground that much. Rather, they love to stay at home and play video games on playstation or xbox. This is why they can not get the real taste of playing sports such as football, basketball and so on. In addition, day by day they stop making interaction with their family and friends. They maintain social life, but this is on in virtual world. This is why it affects on their brain and in future they may fear people to meet. Because their brain is not used to it. It means lack of social contacts. Moreover, for these reasons, their behave start to change specially the people who play play violent video games. They behave aggressively with the people and that kind of sickness make them introvert. So, to lead a healthy and beautiful life, negative behaves can not be expected. Video games have positive and negative sides. And negative sides can be reduced by playing some necessary roles. For example, parents should look after their children properly such as what they do and what they play. They can make a daily routine for their children. Therefore, children or young adults will play games at their leisure times. In addition, parents can take their children to the playground and play games with them. That is why, children can stay close with their parents. This is how can parents guide their children. Children and young adults can learn many positive things from their school. For example, teachers can teach them about the positive and negative sides of playing games. Moreover, they can also teach them to make a better social life. Not only that, government and media can play a very important role. For instance, they can advertise about the demerits of playing video games and not to do any violence or a crime. In conclusion, people can not blame only video games for crimes or violence. Because, their are millions of people play videogames all over the world. They all are not doing crimes or violence. So it can be said that, play videogames for joyment. It is true that, video games have negative sides. But it can be improved. That is why, necessary steps should be taken to control the crimes and violence.
The Influence Ineffective Coping Has on Adolescent Development Essay
Introduction Adolescence is the stepping-stone to adulthood. During this developmental milestone individuals critically develop physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually (Wetherill & Tapert, 2013). Amidst these changes adolescents develop higher cognitive skills and begin to establish their sense of self. This developmental process can be hindered when the adolescent experiences a loss of a loved one. Currently limited research has been conducted on the physical response of the adolescent population. Coping strategies identified to be used by adolescents included avoidance behaviours and self-medicating. The following paper investigates the influence ineffective coping has on adolescent development. Areas that will be comprehensively evaluated include: the physical responses of bereavement, avoidance and efforts to self-medicate. Physical Responses Restlessness, concentration difficulties and sleep disturbances act as physical stressors on the body and contribute to an adolescents’ ability to successfully facilitate the bereavement process. A study assessing the implementation of a Body Awareness Programme, targeted adolescents to develop their understanding of the bereavement process and physical symptoms (Bugge, Haugstvedt, Rokholt, Darbyshire & Solvi, 2012). The authors desired to introduce strategies that would support bereaved teens and offer possible techniques to effectively cope with the circumstance (Bugge et al., 2012). Results of the research demonstrate the necessary need to invest in bereaved adolescents due to debilitating effect it may have on them and their development (Bugge et al., 2012). This reinforces the negative effect ineffective coping has on this particular population and the need to intervene ea... ...ed youth. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 74(8), 828-833. Retrieved from Liang, H., Olsen, J., Cnattingus, S., Vestergaard, M., Obel, C., Gissler, M., . . . Li, J. (2013). Risk of substance use disorders following prenatal or postnatal exposure to bereavement. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 132(1-2), 277-282. doi: Monk, T. H., Germain, A., & Reynolds,Charles F., I.,II. (2008). Sleep disturbances in bereavement. Psychiatric Annals, 38(10), 671-678. doi: Wetherill, R., & Tapert, S. F. (2013). Adolescent brain development, substance use, and psychotherapeutic change. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27(2), 393-402. doi:
Monday, August 19, 2019
Part II of Sir Gawain :: Sir Gawain Essays
Text: Part II In this passage of the story.......We find that Sir Gawain is feeling very melancholy and distraught over the events that have shaped the last year of his life. It is the Christmas season, and while most of his comrades at King Arthur's Court are enjoying the warm fires of their castles, he is trudging through the cold mud and muck of an uninviting wilderness. At the end of his journey he ultimately expects to meet certain death at the hands of the immortal Green Knight, and so alone except for his loyal horse Gringolet, Gawain in his hour of need turns to God for divine intervention:Click Here to Hear Gawain "He said his prayer with signs, Lamenting his misdeed; he crosses himself, and cries On Christ in his great need." No sooner has he made the sign of the cross to conclude his petition then before him appears the most wondrous sight. A great castle looms up where a moment before there were only stark mountains and dark mysterious woods. Gawain has never seen such a magnificent structure. In the center of a park more than two miles wide it stood, constructed of stone blocks that shimmered amid bright colored leaves that should not have been in bloom at that time of the year. There was a double moat surrounding immense battlements which had been fortified to withstand an assault from even the fiercest of invaders. Yet with all the barbicans of war there were also delicate spires rising in tiers amid elaborately ornamented gables. So perfect was the image of this estate that it reminded Gawain of "A castle cut for a king's feast". He thanks God and St. Julian the patron saint of hospitality for his redemption from solitude, and approaches the castle over a strange bridge which hangs in the air. On the far side he is met by the most polite of porters. Humbly Gawain asks permission to enter the grounds in order to seek the lord of the castle’s hospitality.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How Useful Are the 4Ps to Marketing Managers Today ? Essay -- product,
Marketing managers use marketing mix as a business tool in marketing. Marketing mix synonymous with the 4Ps which were amended and listed by Eugene McCarthy as Product, Place , Price and Promotion. First of all, Product refers to the product should fit the task the target consumers want it for, it should work , and it should be what the consumers expected to get. For instance, its packaging, labeling and offering. Therefore, this always remind marketing managers need to do careful research on how long the life cycle of the product is likely to be and focus their attention on different challenges that they are facing when they are developing the product. Secondly, Place (distribution) means that the way in which the product meets customers’ needs, the product should be easy for the consumers to shop. This may be a high street shop, mail order through a catalogue or it may even be doorstep delivery. Various strategies such as intensive distribution, selective distribution, exclusive distribution and franchising can be used by the marketing managers to complement the other aspects of the 4Ps. Thirdly, Price refers to the product should always be seen as representing good value for money. However, this does not mean that it should be the cheapest available, one of the main tenets of the marketing concept is that customers are usually prepared to pay a little more for something that really works well for them. The price is very important as being determined , it may affect the demands, sales ,the company's profit and hence, survival. Adjusting the price has a profound impact on the marketing strategy. There are 3 basic pricing strategies : market skimming pricing, market penetration pricing and neutral pricing. The 'reference val... ...personnel who will be responsible for analysis, planning and implementation. "The enterprise set up marketing department or sales department to undertake the marketing functions ,sometimes it would hire some experts from outside to engage in certain activities, such as market analysts and advertising experts. As a result, people in other area in the enterprise would decoupling from the marketing area ,at the meantime, the marketing managers are not involved in product design, production, delivery, customer service,advice handling and other activities "(Christion Gronroos, 1994), thus leading to potential conflicts between each functional department. "If the company produces the appropriate products, set appropriate prices, use appropriate distribution channels, and supported by appropriate promotional activities, then the company will success "(Kotler, 2001).
Saturday, August 17, 2019
King Lear Essay
â€Å"King Lear†is one of the greatest dramas written by Shakespeare. It is a poetic tragedy in which the good as well as bad characters play their role. King Lear has three daughters; Goneril, Regan andCordelia. Cordelia is the youngest daughter. She is an important character of the play. In the last act, she is hanged and her death seems unjustified. But it is not true. Shakespeare changed his source material to give his â€Å"King Lear†a tragic ending. Thus there is the defeat of Cordelia’s army,the imprisonment of Lear and Cordelia, and Cordelia’s murder in the prison. This tragic end did not find favour with some critics who felt Cordelia’s death is unjustified. The other school of thought how ever feels that dramatic inevitability demands the death of Cordelia. Before justifying Cordelia’sdeath, it is necessary to understand some points of her nature. In the first Act of the Play, when it is Cordelia’s turn to tell her father how much she loves him, she surprises everybody by saying that she has â€Å"nothing†to say. In this context when asked by her father if she has really nothing to say, Cordelia repeats the word â€Å"nothing†. Lear then tells her:â€Å"Nothing will come of nothing. †Cordelia elaborates the reply she has already given. She says that he as her father, has brought her up and loved her and that in return she has always obeyed, loved and honoured him. She says thatwhen she gets married, half of her love will go to her husband and remaining half for her father. This reply irritates Lear and he dis inherits her. Then the Duke of Burgundy refuses to marry her on being told that she will bring him no dowry at all. Cordelia makes a dignified remark: â€Å"Peace be with Burgundy! Since, that respect of fortune are his love, I shall not be his wife. †We also see that she has a deep love for her father. Later in the play, when Cordelia and Lear are united, she looks after him in his illness. When Lear says that she has sufficient cause to be annoyed with him, she says: â€Å"No cause, no cause. †It is a touching moment in the play. As a consequence of a plot hatched by Edmond, Cordelia is hanged, and we then see Lear carrying her dead body. The death of Cordelia comes as a shock to all of us. To justify her death, we should look at the weakness of her nature. The whole conduct of Cordelia in the opening scene shows that she is a woman of few words. She is by nature reticent. She does not believe in showing off her affections for her father. At the sametime, we cannot deny that this incapacity on her part to express her love for her father is a fault in her nature. If the old man wanted to gratify his dignity, Cordelia should have come out with some sort of assurance that she loved her father deeply because sometimes it is better for a person toexpress his love in words in order to satisfy the other person. There was no need for her to be asblunt as she has proved to be. Her father is aware that she loves him the best but he wants to hear her speak about her love; and her failure to speak annoys him greatly. Thus the fault is not entirelyon Lear’s side; Cordelia cannot completely be exonerated. Her sere nature proves to be the, causeof Lear’s undoing (ruin) and her undoing too. Later on, when she comes to fight against the BritishForces, she makes it clear that it is not on account of any military ambition or any desire for conquest that this invasion is taking place but on account of her love for her father an for therestoration of his rights to him. Thus it cannot be another fault because she could succeed in her purpose by some other means than by fighting. .Bradley rightly points out that Cordelia suffers from a tragic imperfection. It is true that she isdeeply wronged by Lear in the opening scene, but we cannot assert that she her was wholly rig inher behaviour. At a moment, when a momentous issue is under discussion, Fate makes on her theone demand which she is unable to meet. It is a demand which other heroin of Shakespeare’s playscould have met. They could have made the old, unreasonable king feel that he was loved fondly bythem . But Cordelia could not do so because she is Cordelia. We neither blame her, nor justify her completely; we simply experience the tragic emotions of pity. It is noteworthy that Cordelia is notalways reticent; she is not always tongue-tied as several passages show in the play. But tender emotion, for her father makes her dumb as she says: â€Å"Unhappy that I am; I cannot heaveMy heart into my mouth. †But this particular trait in Cordelia’s nature is n the only cause of Lear’s rage in the opening scene. When he asks her to mend her speech a little, she gives him a lengthy answer saying that half of her love will go her husband and that she cannot â€Å"love her father all†. Now even if she is speakingthe truth here, she is not speaking the absolute truth because to give love to a husband cannotmean taking away any part of love from a father. Her responsibility for tragic events cannot bedenied. Through her tragic imperfection, she contributes something to the conflict. While thetragedy is largely due to Lear’s own fault, it is in no small measure due to a deficiency in Cordelia. As the dying Lear gives us a perfect picture of her nature in a few Words: â€Å"Her voice was ever soft;gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman. †She is a loving daughter as in the play it has beensaid:â€Å"Thou hast one daughter,Who redeems nature from the general curseWhich twain have brought her to. †Mrs. Jameson compares Cordelia as the heroine of filial tenderness, with the self-devotion of Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, saying: â€Å"To Antigone, we give our admiration; to Cordelia our tears. Dr Johnson felt that the tragic ending of â€Å"King Lear†, especially the death of Cordelia,violates poetic justice (the virtuous to be rewarded and the wicked to be punished). Besides, he feltthat is the play, the wicked prosper, and the virtuous miscarry (be unsuccessful). The veryconception of a Shakespearean tragedy cannot be squared with such a simple theory of poetic justice of the reward due to virtue. The wages of sin is always death though the rew ard of virtue isnot always happiness. Cordelia’s death is a final crushing blow inflicted upon the repentant King. Atragedy in which everything can be explained and justified is not a tragedy at all. Dr Bradley is of the opinion that the end is to be tragic, it is bound to be completed with the death of Cordelia. It was not possible for Shakespeare to have given King Lear peace and happiness at Cordelia’s fire-side. We cannot dissociate Lear from Cordelia and think of one surviving the other. Lear’s fate,therefore, involves the fate of Cordelia. Her death is sacrificial, and upon such sacrifices whatever gods there may be pour their incense. Goodness and wickedness are each its reward and a truereward that reconciles us to the close of tragedies in which the great suffer, Lear and Cordelia aremore victims than offenders. The death of Cordelia constitutes an appropriate ending for the play. Some critics are of the opinionthat this death makes the play too sad. Nahum Tate went to the extent of altering the event at theend in order to give it a happy ending. But a happy ending to the play would not really be suitable. Cordelia’s death seems to be gratuitous (uncalled-for) but in tragedy, the suffering of a goodcharacter is always excessive. Therefore, if Cordelia meets her death in spite of her being innocent,we should not protest against the author’s judgment. The divine forces are not unjust. It should be remembered that it is human error that has broughtabout the sufferings of Lear and Cordelia; fate has little role in the matter. Cordelia’s dumbnesscaused all her suffering that indeed is a concept of justice few can quarrel with, and her deathmakes her character memorable.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Too Connected to Social Media
Are we too connected? Last Monday was just an average Monday. My friend sent out a tweet about her new art show and so I wall posted her via facebook about the time and location in which she replied via a comment saying that she would give me a call. She followed up with a voicemail message and an invitation email, sent to my personal account of course. I then texted her telling of my availability and keenness to see her recent work. At the end of my Monday something occurred to me; actually it was more like I was slapped in the face by the hand of modern technology.I had seemingly been communicating all day and yet somehow connected with nobody. I myself am an avid enthusiast of the joys of modern technology so you can see why I did not absorb this epiphany with composure. Speaking as an 18-year-old girl whose middle school years were marked by the likes of MySpace I feel as if I am very well educated on the topic of digital communication. I have experienced first hand the infectiou s, consuming nature of social media sites.The internet allows me to instantly connect with my overseas relatives and at the same time sucks me into a vortex of procrastination. It would appear that somewhere between windows 98 and the ipad3 we as a society have manipulated ourselves into a constant state of flux; endlessly devoted to the idea that we must always be connected. Digital Libraian and fournder of the Internet Archive Brewster Kahle explains, â€Å"A lot of our brain, a lot of our worth to the world, a lot of our memories, are actually not in our heads anymore.They're actually in the Web, in the weave, in the interconnections, the friends that we can touch at a moment's notice. That's who makes us powerful. â€Å" It would appear that for most of us technology is no longer just a tool. It is a family photo album, it’s our workspace, it’s dinner with friends at six. Teenagers change their profile page to reflect their ever-changing adolescent identities. Mo thers are swapping recipes and parenting advice online. Singles are reaching out, exposing who they are in search for love.Businessmen are uploading their resumes virtually in order to climb the corporate ladder. Technology has become inherent to the way in which we function daily. As this urgency to contact one another grows so to does the need to disconnect. Things are not as intimate as they once were. It would seem that we’re almost always in a public space even from the privacy of our homes. This idea that we are always connected is in reality a false problem. You can turn the switch off, unplug, shutdown and so on. When is the last time you went without a piece of technology?Why we do rely on technology like an emotional crutch, supporting our need to interact? Technology will continue to rapidly grow and so too will knew and wonderful ways to connect globally. With this we must train ourselves. It is a hard truth, but we do not need to know what everybody is doing at e very point of the day. It is a matter of quality vs. quantity. Sometimes you have to step away from the faceless monitor, let your IPhone run flat, stop sharing life so candidly and instead enjoy the simplicities
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Possession of Knowledge Tok
TOK Outline Essay title – â€Å"The possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility†. Evaluate this claim. What knowledge issues I think are involved †¢How can you possess knowledge? How do you acquire it and do these ways affect your responsibility of imparting it on others? †¢How is the knowledge you have affected by your personal ethics? Some people would have no problem giving out certain pieces of knowledge while others would be very trouble giving out exactly the same information. †¢How can one know when they are ethically responsible?How do you know how big the impact of the knowledge you are giving will have on the recipient? Ways of knowing, Areas of knowledge that are involved. †¢Ways of knowing oReason – Has huge relevance to the essay title. You use reason to decide how the knowledge you have will affect the recipient and if it is ethically responsible to do this. oEmotion – Emotion will always affect your decision s when doing something, For example if you don’t want to say something to someone as it may hurt them but they have a right to know.Introduction: †¢State my view on the claim, whether I agree/ disagree oI agree with the statement above, its up to you whether or not to impart certain knowledge you have, depending on the situation. Person you’re speaking to, what the knowledge is, how it will affect them. †¢Thesis statement. 2nd paragraph †¢Try and explain the knowledge issues; â€Å"How can one know when they are ethically responsible†etc. See above for a list of some knowledge issues. †¢Discuss ethics, ‘possession of knowledge’ rd paragraph †¢State first area of knowledge – Ethics †¢State an example linking the AOK to the title. oAlbert Einstein’s involvement in the creation of the atom bomb. Knew it was going to be used in warfare. †¢Link it to the thesis statement, for and against oAs a scientist e thically responsible to impart his findings to the world. oBut as a human being he could have kept it to himself in order to save people’s lives †¢Make sure that both sides of the argument are stated. 4th Paragraph Same as 2nd paragraph except with second area of knowledge – Natural and human sciences. †¢Biology – example would be Ben Johnson at the 1988 olympic. Doctors ethical responsibility to give him the drugs knowing their effect and the details while Ben Johnson just trusted his professional ability. †¢Economics – Bank crisis in 2008. Did the banks have an ethical responsibility to tell the public that their money was being used for other things, instead of just letting the money be lost and telling them after they had invested it all. th paragraph †¢Explain how ways of knowing will be linked to the claim – Reason †¢Provide example. oIf someone stops you on the street and asks for directions then you use reason to de termine that it seems perfectly fine for you to impart the knowledge you have and that it coincides with your ethics. 6th paragraph †¢Same as above with other way of knowing – emotion oA doctor giving the results of tests to a patient and telling them that they are terminally ill.They may not want to impart that knowledge as they know it will greatly affect the person and emotionally you wouldn’t want to be giving that information. But they are ethically responsible as professionals to give that information. oAnother example that would go with this is a police officer having to tell the next of kin that they family member has died. Conclusion †¢Evaluate all the points that have been talked about. †¢Restate your thesis statement and talk about if you agree/ disagree again. †¢Don’t bring up any new points! †¢Round off the essay nicely, no trailing points.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Banana Sap As Natural Ink Essay
Banana (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca) is a very common plant in Malaysia and in the Philippines. Often the banana trunk is thrown away after harvesting the fruit. The waste material is biodegradable. Banana is the common name for herbaceous plants of the Genus Musa, and is also the name given to the fruit of these plants. It is a native plant found in the tropical region of Southeast Asia, the Malay Archipelago, and Australia. Today, it is cultivated throughout the Tropics. The banana was mentioned for the first time in written history in Buddhist texts in 600 BC. The stalk is the stem of the banana plant. The banana stalk produces one huge flower cluster and then dies. The stalk is usually cut off the plant when the bananas are plump and ready to ripen. Before it dies, there are a number of things the banana stalk can be used for. The use of banana sap, as a medium for artwork has never been explored in Malaysia. Banana sap is used in other countries such as Indonesia as textile dying and Latin America as Medicinal uses. Banana sap from some parts of the tree contains pigment and dyes, thus not aware of this potential medium is a waste. This material is biodegradable and this research is conducted to test the potential of banana sap as a pigment and dye to be used as an alternative natural ink. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers wish to extend their most sincere appreciation to the following people who helped make this research. They are the people who helped and contributed for the success of this endeavor. To God, for his gift of wisdom and understanding, and for answering our prayers in their times of need. To their Science teacher, Ms. Avrylle Corpuz for teaching the researchers the fundamental of research and investigatory writing and for showing a great deal of patience though at times the researchers tends to be naughty and wild. To their parents and family members, for the unending love and support that they gave. To the observer/respondents, for their integrity and cooperation. And lastly, to all those who were a part of this work, they thanked themselves for being cooperative and hardworking throughout the investigatory project. INTRODUCTION Background of the Study A banana is an edible fruit produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants of the genus Musa. (In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called plantains.) The fruit is variable in size, color and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Along with this edible fruit is saps: extremely sticky and can be used as a practical adhesive. Sap can be obtained from either the pseudostem, the fruit peelings, or from the flesh. Ink is a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design. Ink nowadays, are used by many people around the world. Nowadays, ink is getting much more expensive. An average of 22$ (880pesos) per quarter ounce. Ink is mostly made out of comprising solvents, pigments, dyes, resins, lubricants, solubilizers, surfactants, particulate matter, and fluorescers. Thus the experiment is all about recycling banana saps and making ink more affordable. There have been many experiments ahead of this. Others have tried using berries beet juice, orange, and many other more. But, these fruits that are used, needs the juice, skin, and the likes. The researchers chose banana because they are using not the fruit itself but the saps. Also, most fruits that are used for the making of the ink. The researchers think that this will help them attain a better quality of life because it will cut down the prices of ink. All these set aside the question on everyone’s mind is: Will this natural ink be as effective as the ink people are using today? Statement of the Problem This study determines the effect and practicality of banana sap in making a natural ink. The banana stalk, where the researchers got the banana sap, was biodegradable. It specifically seeks to answer the following question: 1. Will the product really work as an alternative natural ink? 2. Is the natural ink from the banana sap better than the commercial inks? 3. Does the natural ink from the banana sap require a preservative? Significance of the Study Nature can provide for everyday needs such as writing ink. Traditional ink sources include flower petals and tree bark, and though fruit sources are less traditional, they also make for useful ink. Berries and cherries, with their high juice content, are ideal for ink making. Unlike other juicy fruits such as watermelons, citrus fruits or peaches, berry and cherry juice are dark enough to show on writing paper. On this study, the researchers chose a banana sap as an alternative natural ink so that they will be able to know and discover other natural alternative inks aside from berries, which is commonly used. Scope and Limitation The study of comparing banana sap as a natural ink to a commercial ink is limited only on the use of banana sap, dye and commercial ink. For the study, the researchers just emptied the unused pens or pens that won’t function well. The researchers were also careful in doing this because ink might be harmful if swallowed and it may irritate the eyes. The group will only use banana sap with powdered dye (diluted with water) and an empty invisible pen to perform the study. The researchers will not use any other substance or chemicals as enhancer to the natural ink. REVIEW OF THE RELATED LITERATURE Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca and Its Pseudostems Bananas (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca) are native to tropical Southeast Asia, but have long been cultivated in many countries from Asia to Europe for its fruit and to a lesser extent for its fiber. Banana is commonly mistaken as a tree but it is actually a large perennial flowering herb with leaf sheaths that form trunk-like pseudostems that grows from a corm. Banana can grow up to 7 meters in height that has about 8 – 12 spirally arranged leaves that are up to 2.7 meters long and 0.6 meter wide. Banana sap is among the most sticky and stubborn substances on earth. You will never get it off your clothes, some people say. Banana sap is extremely sticky and can be used as a practical adhesive. Sap can be obtained from the pseudostem, from the fruit peelings, or from the fruit flesh. Banana Sap as Dye for Fabrics Banana sap is used as a medium to dye fabrics in Indonesia and Philippines. The color of banana sap is brownish and it’s substance on the fabrics well. Dried banana peel contains 30 to 40% tannin content; it’s used to blacken leather. The ash from the dried peel of bananas and plantains is rich in potash and used for making soap. While that of the burned peel of unripe fruits of certain varieties is used for dyeing. In the Philippines, the Pinatubo Negritos cut off a banana plant close to the ground, make a hollow in the top of the stump, which then fills with watery sap is drank as an emergency thirst quencher. Central Americans obtain the sap of the red banana in the same manner and take it as an aphrodisiac. Making Berry Inks (Huckleberry, Raspberry, Blackberry and Pokeberry) Ink making is a wonderful way to use up some of the berries that you can forage for outdoors or grow in your garden. With a berry ink, you can do wonderful water washes, use a dip pen and write great letters, or use it for various drawings and sketches. You can also use your ink for spiritual journaling or magical work. Having an ink you’ve made yourself allows you to be creative while making use of sustainable materials that are locally harvestable. Berries should be ripe (never under-ripe) or slightly over-ripe. Berries that have a nice dark stain when you cut it open are effective. Berry inks are going to be a little more watery and lighter than a traditional synthetic or processed ink. Banana Sap in Medicine All parts of the banana plant have medicinal applications because banana sap has the properties of antifungal and antibiotic. Found in the peel and pulp of fully ripe bananas, the antibiotic acts against Mycobacteria .The inside of the peel has anti-septic properties as it can be wrapped directly around wounds or cuts in an emergency. The flowers of banana can be used for treatment in bronchitis and dysentery and on ulcers; cooked flowers are given to diabetics; the astringent plant sap in cases of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, fevers, hemorrhages and acute dysentery, however it is also applied on hemorrhoids insect and other stings and bites; young leaves are placed as poultices on burns and other skin afflictions; the astringent ashes of the unripe peel and leaves are taken in dysentery and diarrhea and used for treating malignant ulcers. The roots are administered in digestive dysentery and other ailments; banana seed mucilage is given in cases of catarrh and diarrhea in India. Banana sap is also used to reduce high blood pressure; serotonin inhibits gastric secretion and stimulates the smooth muscle of the intestines. Alleged hallucinogenic effects of the smoke of burning banana peel have been investigated scientifically and have not been confirmed. Charcoal Briquettes from Banana Peels These days there is increased pressure on forests as people cut trees for firewood and other purposes in the last 30 years, for example, Uganda has lost half of her forest cover. Local people are being encouraged to adopt energy saving technologies that put less pressure on natural resources. One example is the use of banana peelings, commonly referred to as banachakol (banana charcoal), to A woman from a group of community workers known as Bakyala Tweyune (â€Å"Women in self-help†), responsible to make the banachakol, and the production process for the briquettes. The technology that will save many trees is started in Lungujja near Kampala, where a woman named Namusoke Immaculate, the founder of Bakyala Tweyune women’s group, has innovated a new method of alternative fuel by turning banana peelings into charcoal briquettes. They just used one-half basin full of fresh banana peelings, a quarter basin of charcoal dust, and a quarter basin of fine sand. They chop the fresh banana peelings into small pieces. Once the banana peelings are chopped, and then mix the three ingredients together – the banana peelings, the charcoal dust and the sand. The demand of the banana briquettes will make people sort banana peelings from garbage in areas where they are thrown. Conceptual Framework This study primarily focused on the banana sap as an effective natural ink and to be able to compare the natural ink from commercial ink. The dependent variable is the banana sap while the independent variable is the powdered dye (diluted with water). In this study, the dependent variable is the banana sap (extract) because the researchers extracted it with their materials. The independent variable is the powdered dye because it is pre-manufactured. Hypothesis Banana sap is extremely sticky and it stains your clothes hideously and immediately. The natural ink from the banana sap will be effective but it will be a little more watery than a processed (commercial) ink and it won’t last long. The product is also natural so it will be removed easily. Definition of Terms Musa Ãâ€" paradisiaca – Banana; It is the common name for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten fruit Pseudostem- It is a false stem made of the rolled bases of leaves. Mycobacteria- It is a bacterium of a group which includes the causative agents of leprosy and tuberculosis. Banachakol- It is a banana charcoal. Banana Sap- It is among the most sticky and stubborn substances on earth. You will never get it off your clothes. Tannin- It is a yellowish or brownish bitter-tasting organic substance present in some galls, barks, and other plant tissues, consisting of derivatives of gallic acid. Commercial Ink- Ink that has been used by people these days. Cloth Thread- It is a kind of thin yarn, thin fibers spun together, for textiles and sewing. Musa- It is one of three genera in the family Musaceae; it includes bananas and plantains. Ink- It is a colored fluid or paste used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating. Invisible pen- It features invisible ink that can only be revealed using the UV black light in the cap. Rinsable- Capable of being rinsed. METHODOLOGY Materials The materials that were used in this study were the banana sap from the banana stalk, container, cloth thread, a casserole, wooden stick that will be used for pounding, powdered dye, water and an empty invisible pen. Collection A medium sized banana stalk was collected from one of the researcher’s backyard. The empty invisible pen was collected from one of the researchers’ house. The container, cloth thread, casserole and the wooden stick were collected from one of the researchers’ kitchen. Procedure A. Measurement of the Materials Needed Four (4) table spoons of powdered dye (diluted with water), one (1) invisible pen, and the extract of a medium sized banana stalk. B. Preparation of the set-up Four (4) set ups were prepared; set-up one (1) was made up of the preparation and production for the banana sap, set-up (2) was made up for the preparation of the powdered dye, set-up three (3) was made up of the preparation of the empty invisible pen and set-up four (4) was made up of the mixture of the banana sap and the diluted powdered dye. C. Preparation of the Mixture The banana sap and the diluted powdered dye were mixed in container, boiled and put inside the invisible pen. D. Disposal The non- biodegradable and biodegradable materials that were used were segregated. Methodology Flow Chart Preparation of the Materials Needed Getting the Banana Sap (extract) from the Banana Stalk Preparation of the Dye (Diluted with Water) Mixture of the Banana Sap and Dye Observation of the Finished Product Disposal of Used Materials Evaluation and Comparison from a Commercial Ink The table shows the inks’ effect when used to write on paper. For the natural ink, the researchers chose a black dye (diluted with water) then, mixed with the banana sap extract. From the researchers’ observations and comparisons, the natural ink is more pale in color compared to the commercial ink. From the data above, it clearly states the effectiveness of the natural ink. The researchers chose the banana sap as a mixture with the dye because the its extract is sticky and it stains clothing. Lastly, there are no significant effect to the skin of the researchers who mixed and the banana sap and dye which may be interpreted as allergy or irritation. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Based from the results gathered in the experiments, the researchers conclude that using Banana sap (Musa Ãâ€" Paradisiaca), in the form of a decoction, is an effective alternative natural ink. Banana saps are free and the other materials needed in making the decoction can be easily found in any household. Furthermore, the researchers conclude that the banana sap is environment friendly because it is organic and safe to use for humans because there are no side effects in using it aside from the stickiness of it and it might stain their clothing. Compared to the commercial ink, the natural ink is a little watery and it’s easier to wash off your hands. Recommendations Based from the drawn conclusions, the researchers further recommend the following: a. Conduct more experiment using varied conditions and method of preparation. b. Use different sub-specie of banana tree. c. Use applications on different types of paper as ink. d. Use or add other sticky substances. e. Conduct an experiment on a longer span of time. Bibliography Mimosa Pudica and Its Pseudostems Landmeier, P., Plants of Eastern Guatemala, December 16, 2012, What Is Banana, 2011 Banana Sap as Dye for Fabric Ahmad, H., ALTERNATIVE MEDIUM FOR ARTWORKS, October 2007 Making Berry Inks Willowcrow, Making Berry Inks (Huckleberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Pokeberry, Etc.), August 29, 2012
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