Saturday, January 25, 2020
Japans Western Modernization
Japans Western Modernization Japanese and western scholars are desperately arguing on the over-all definition of modernization. Japan is a perfect example of a country which is product of modernization. From a rural setting to an industrialized one, that is how modernization occurs. Modernization changes the lifestyle of people; fashion, work, and mindset. From a conservative type to a liberal one, that is the evolution made by modernization. Modernization is accompanied by success especially in one countrys economy Japan, a culturally bound country, tremendously transforms itself to a modernized one. The year 1868 is time when Japan decides to be open to western representations and eventually adopt them due to the perception that they were more advanced and preferable. Through the adoption of western ideologies, they can able to compete with other industrialized nations. The modernization of Japan is better explained through studying its history starting from the Meiji period. Western imperialism took political and economical forms. Politically, the foreign powers obtained many privileges from Japan but all these gains were supported up by Western military superiority. By that Japans national right was violated. Economically, foreign imports into Japan tremendously increased due to the low tariff fixed by the unequal settlements. By 1870, foreign imports reached 70% of all Japanese trade. Cheap foreign goods, like English textiles, transferred into Japan and bankrupted native Japanese handicraf t industries which make Japan suffered from critical balance of payments. Although loans were extended to Japan by Westerners but in return, they still received more privileges from them. . Due to this threat to the country, self modernization of Japan has its way. Strengthening military is one key to oppose the political threats of imperialism consequently rich country and strong army (fokoku kyohei) was the slogan of Meiji modernization in which the final objective was to build a strong political rule in Japan eventually to be able to get rid of the unequal treaties forced by the Western powers. The Meiji leaders has a fear that Japan would fully embraced westernization and totally turn away traditional ways. They decided to make the country modernized in order to defend it from foreign attacks. The self-modernization of Japan in the Meiji period has both advantage and disadvantage. They decided to make the country modernized in order to defend it from foreign attacks. The self-modernization of Japan in the Meiji period has both advantage and disadvantage. The idea of modernization of Japan by Meiji leaders somehow more a political reason rather than nationalism, which is the disadvantage. Although it can be a political reason, it can also be a military strategy to protect the country from such invaders, which is the advantage one. Japan undergoes step by step process of modernization; starting from modernizing some certain aspects into an over-all modernization. First transformation is from the military. As an example military reform called for the production of weapons, which only economic reform could successfully were given. At the same time, development of long-term educational, were carried out in order for the people to accept these political, economic, and political aspects. Although preliminary step for modernization was done, there are still some weaknesses that arise such as indirect and incomplete political control over the country at large because the daimyo with their samurai, still ruled the clans, lacking state revenue for complete modernization in which the Meiji government obtained most of its tax income from former Tokugawa lands only, and absence of any national army for the new government depended on only a few western clans (mainly Choshu and Satsuma) for its military force. In order to strengthen the state, the Meiji government took actions, both negative and positive in which the negative measure was the abolition of feudalism and the positive one was the introduction of modern land taxation and military mobilization. There are still problems arise in strengthening the Meiji state such as dissatisfaction among the poor samurai and hard-pressed peasants led to the outbreak of many local rebellions which were nearly 200 uprisings from 1868 to 1878 and partly because of the new land taxation which consequently had a very serious inflation from 1868 to the early 1880s.and by that he income of both the samurai and the government was badly affected. In terms of economic modernization, the Meiji government had a good foundation to start with because the late Tokugawa commercial economy was successful in which many rich merchants had saved large amounts of capital, and if devoted in modern industries, would greatly stimulate industrialization and secondly, from 1854 (when Japan was opened by the West) to 1868, the Tokugawa shogunate and some other clans had already developed significant ship-building and arms-manufacturing industries and there were already some Japanese engineers and technicians who knew Western technology. By 1870, Japan was still largely an agricultural country and modernized agriculture is the basis of and requirement for successful industrialization in which agricultural students were sent abroad to learn more advanced agricultural techniques, foreign experts were working to give recommendation on agricultural development, importation of new kinds of plants and seeds , and foundation of experimental agricultural stations and agricultural colleges throughout the country to test new methods of planting and advise farmers on new agricultural techniques. As a result, more agricultural products were being exported which contribute to Japans economy as well as farmers in which .many poor tenant-farmers went from the villages to the towns, thereby providing cheap labor for urban industrialization, but as more and more farmers became tenants, the countryside was increasingly under the control of conservative landlord-merchants. Industrialization placed the necessary foundation of a modern state. As the Meiji government had a strong and modern economy to rely on, the extent of government power was enlarged thus, its efficiency increased. The rapid industrialization strengthened the Meiji states autocratic rule, as it provided new instruments for power concentration. The government could therefore effectively put down internal oppositions and carry out a stronger foreign policy. In the long run, industrialization destroyed Japans traditional agricultural economy. First, the local economically self-sufficient village society was returned by increased agricultural commercialization and specialization. Secondly, with greater exchange of goods, capital and even labor, localism of village society broke down thus the village people felt that they belonged not only to the village but to the nation as a whole. Thirdly, industry replaced agriculture as the nations most important economic activity. And also, industrial ization reduced economic discriminations of the old Tokugawa society. Steadily, however, new concentrations of wealth and power were built up by the zaibatsu, which restricted much of the entire countrys economy. The standard of living was raised due to the improvement of the economic conditions of the people in which in return the people supported the environment. On the other hand, social mobility was help out by which successful industrialists or businessmen became modern Japans social leaders. In terms of educational background, there is a further improvement pre-1868. Before 1870, many of the late Tokugawa schools already taught Western science and technology. Thus the people were better prepared to accept Western knowledge after 1870. A sound basis for attaining more Western knowledge had been set. As years passed by, there is an increase in the literacy of the Japanese. By 1870, nearly half of the male populations were literate. In late Tokugawa times the Meiji leaders were all educated in the Confucian schools that have a Confucian respect for learning and interest for educational modernization. Through education, the government could widen its popular support by the people. From the 1880s on, however, education was used gradually more by the government to teach nationalistic ideas that makes an attempt for the Meiji government to strengthen the national and social unity, thus conservation of national safety in an age of foreign imperialism. Despite of becoming more undemocratic of education due to politics, it is still a great help for them. S till there are problems that arise for it is not that easy for some conservative ones to accept western teaching and there are times that there is lacking of teachers. To further improved the educational system, the government made bills such as Education Act of 1879, making , Education Act of 1886, Imperial Rescript on Education of 1890 , and Authoritarian education after the 1890s until higher universities were established. Education is the key to make good leaders. Political modernization is intensified to retain power of Meiji leaders. Although there is a splitting of power in 1873 by two issues: the question of the composition of the new modern army to be created and the problem of national defense against Western imperialism. There is suppression against the government which makes hard for them to built solid links to the people. Constitutions were made and promulgate to further develop the political modernization. The Meiji constitution 1889 was attained by the Emperor to the people but in contrast to it, the ideal liberal constitution was made. Although the constitution was undemocratic, Japan had at least approved a Western political structure which helped Meiji government become a modern state. Consequently the state is politically strengthened. The achievements of the constitution were not institutionalized The Emperor was above the constitution. who could be influenced by Military leaders and the Genro outside the restrictions of the c onstitution. The whole constitutional government could easily be turned into a militarist autocracy. Even though there were still that went wrong the transformation of Japan enables them to prove to the whole world that a small country can be powerful one
Friday, January 17, 2020
Therefore the management considered
Anthony Nicholas Group was established in 1949 and is currently the leading indigenous jewellery business in Ireland employing 230 people. The Group already implemented an IT strategy in the form of back-office systems and software.However the software was inflexible as it offered no scope for organizational growth in addition to being old, slow and unreliable. Therefore the management considered the option of developing an Internet presence that would simultaneously upgrade the back-office systems and software.The implementation was to be financed by the Enterprise Ireland e-business Acceleration Fund Initiative. Because of the growing online market the IT strategy was considered to be the critical success factor.The end result was envisioned to consist of two components: back office and e-business and web site development. However the implementation process had some problems such as the project team underestimated the true scope of the project so that there were problems related to delays and unanticipated pressures on internal resources.AnalysisIn implementing the IT strategy, the Group followed the strategic alignment process. This process occurs in iterations between four phases: IT strategy, business strategy, organizational issues and information systems issues.The IT strategy of launching the e-business platform was aligned to the business strategy of improving customer service. This alignment between IT strategy and business strategy was maintained with organizational issues in terms of forming the project team which included the Managing Director, Financial Controller and IT Manager.The workload of managing change on the workforce was tremendous as it occurred organization-wide. This problem was addressed through hiring temporary staff. Finally information systems issues were addressed through running the new system and the old system in parallel so that if there were any bugs in the new system, it wouldn’t disrupt the operations in the company .Following the strategic alignment process enabled the Group to conduct the process of managing change in alignment with the strategic focus of the company.Frequently this alignment is lost because the management may not have the necessary IT strategy while the employees are unwilling to cooperate in the implementation leading to user resistance. The management addressed both problems through the strategic alignment process. However there were still delays in completing the installation in time and according to budget because the software specifications had to be changed in accordance with the organizational structure.Therefore there was some degree of customization involved which was facilitated through demonstrations and site visits. They were the basis upon which supplier selection was made. They enabled the Group management to communicate with the supplier regarding the end-user needs so that the end product was fully customized to the organizational structure. This is the criti cal success factor since otherwise the end result would be to introduce a system that does not work thus adding to user resistance.As stated in the case the retail market is characterized by a high level of competitive rivalry and the use of the Internet in sales and marketing is well established.Therefore the Group’s present IT strategy is very much in keeping with creating a position that would enable Anthony Nicholas to meet the overall business strategy of presenting their products and interacting with the customers online. In implementing the IT strategy the company had two aims: establishing a business-to-business e-commerce capability and an Internet business-to-consumer facility.Both the aims were addressed by the e-business strategy. However strategy was not meant to increase turnover, it was more of an add-on to the current service levels.The business-to-business e-commerce strategy was implemented through Solvar which incorporated the manufacturing and wholesale op eration while the business-to-consumer strategy was implemented through the ‘Fields of Dublin’ website. These two modules made the information systems scalable so that the management could add on.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Casino Industry Analysis - 2292 Words
Recently, Crown casino declared that it decided to spend nearly $568 million to invest a new 500-room luxury hotel in Perth. WA government agreed not to be against a request for 500 extra gaming machines and 130 extra tables which would enable the capacity of Perth nearly as same as Crown Melbourne. The Executive Chairman, James Packer, was quoted as saying â€Å"This is not a great deal for me; this is a deal where I expect my share price to go down†(Australian Financial Review). In this essay, I will list all different types of business that run by Crown and describe them. Furthermore, this essay will conduct an industry analysis of gaming sector in Australia and present performance of Crown as well as its competitors Wynn. Also, Crown and†¦show more content†¦Competition (VERY HIGH) Due to the large growth within the gaming industry, a great number of gambling locations have been opened all around the world. The main goal of every company in gaming industry is to make money and attract many a customer. As a result, it will lead to increase the competition. Crown Casino stays to be the major players in terms of hotel services, resorts and entertainment facilities. Crown Limited’s competitors could be Echo Entertainment Group, Tabcorp Holdings Limited and Centrebet International Limitedcould. Substitutes (Low) There have been many forms of gambling evolved over the years including casino games, horseracing bets, boxing, fighting games, sports betting etc. consumers gamble for seeking the pleasure, fun or making money for luck. Due to great number of gambling games, it may hard to find substitutes. As a consequence, this force can have a low power. Between 2007 and 2011, Crown Casino had a better performance in reducing financial risk and payout dividend. On the contrary, it faced difficulties to return net income as shareholders equity and repay short-term liability corresponding to short-term assets. The performance of Crown Casino can be analysis into different components. Considering about the profitability of Crown, the return on equity declined slowly from 2007 at 0.063, which means 6.3 per cent of profit a companyShow MoreRelatedAustralian Casino Industry and Competitive Analysis3417 Words  | 14 Pagesof this report was to gain a better understanding of the Casino Industry. It identifies the many contextual and diverse factors that influence this particular part of the gambling industry in terms of the type of customers they attract, how it is shaped by government policies, the impact of suppliers and buyers of the market, competitive rivalry, and organisational generic strategies. The Five Forces model revealed a highly dominated industry by two major competitors. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
DID Essay - 1460 Words
History of DID. Often people living with DID are depressed or even suicidal and self-mutilation is common in this group. Approximately one-third of individuals affected complain of auditory or visual hallucinations. While the causes are unknown, statistics show that DID occurs in 0.01 to 1 percent of the general population (NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness | NAMI: The National Alliance on Mental Illness,). DID is a serious mental illness that occurs across all ethnic groups and all income levels. It affects women nine times more than men. In addition to experiencing separate identities, individuals living with DID may also experience many other symptoms (Dissociative identity disorder - children, causes, DSM, functioning,†¦show more content†¦Individuals in the culture were not open to the actual psychological problems but were compliant to seeking mental health services (American Journal of Psychotherapy, n.d.). The African American culture prides on its strength that comes from a long line of the previous history. One reason that some African Americans do not come forward is the stereotypical belief that practitioners will not adhere or cannot be as culturally competent enough to treat their specific issues. This is also compounded by the fact that African American patients do not report the experiences of racism, child abuse, sexual abuse or any other abuse when it comes to the culture and the community (Black African American Communities and Mental Health, 2013). Often, individuals are told that they should not speak upon the abuse. Leaving children to grow up and have an underlining issue of mental and physical abuse not treated. Over 60% of the prison populations accounts for African Americans. African American can also account for at least 40% of the drug and alcohol abuse reported in the country (American Journal of Psychotherapy, n.d.). Therapeutic Treatments Strategies / The Therapist. Treatment for DID consists primarily of psychotherapy with hypnosis. Treatment attempts to help contact as many alter as possible and to understand theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on O.J. Simpson Trial: Did He Do It?1201 Words  | 5 Pages Did He Do It ? You never know someone until youve seen them behind closed doors. Orenthal O.J. Simpson lived a rough life growing but, instead of that taking over his life he decided to make a change by becoming a football hall of fame, actress/tv star and later being turned to a serial killer. Was the killing done out of love or spight? Or did he even do it? O.J. Simpson was born July 9, 1947 in San Francisco, California. He is the son of Eunice Simpson and Jimmy Lee Simpson. HeRead MoreI Did Not Expect Too Much From Carr s Essay1773 Words  | 8 PagesInitially, I did not expect too much from Carr’s essay. The title appeared to give away most of what he would say. 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