Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Reading Volume Is Central Of The World - 1997 Words
According to Allington (2014), though reading volume is central to the development of reading proficiencies, typical commercial core reading programs tend to provide material to engage students in only 15 minutes of reading each day. With the remaining 75 minutes allocated to completing workbook pages and answering lower-level comprehension questions, many students receive very little time to engage in reading. Cunningham (2005) reminds us that as early as 1977, Richard Allington pleaded, â€Å"If they don’t read much, how they ever gonna get good†(p.1). Reading volume is defined as the time students spend reading in addition to the number of words they consume as they read (Allington, 2012). This combination impacts all aspects of students’ cognitive abilities, ranging from vocabulary development as well as knowledge of the world (Cunningham Zibulsky, 2013). In one of the most extensive studies of independent reading, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) co nnected reading growth to the time students spent reading outside of school. They found that independent time spent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement. In this study, the researchers determined that fifth-grade students that read forty minutes per day scored in the 90th percentile on standardized tests. Simply put, those who read more than an hour outside of school outperform their lower achieving peers. Not only has independent reading been found to have profound affects on student achievement, butShow MoreRelatedLiterary Romanticism Essay608 Words  | 3 Pagesknown for his liberal political opinions and for his satirical attacks on German nationalism. His writings and controversial activities brought him into disfavor in Germany but made him famous throughout Europe. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Widespread use of renewable energy Free Essays
The first oil daze in 1973 raised worldwide concern about dwindling energy supplies. High oil monetary value was a mark of depletion worldwide energy beginnings. Since 1960s no large oil resources have been discovered in the universe. We will write a custom essay sample on Widespread use of renewable energy or any similar topic only for you Order Now It suggested that universe oil production will make its extremum within one or two decennaries ( Lauber, 2005 ) . The rise in oil monetary values besides affected the developing states ‘ development programs, which demand big sums of energy for their early procedure of industrialisation. For developed states, the fluctuation in oil monetary values caused economic and societal jobs such as unemployment, trade shortages and higher rising prices due to their great dependence on oil import ( Seitz, 2008 ) . Since the industrialised revolution the ingestion of universe energy has been uninterrupted. With the modern-day universe population growing, energy demand is lifting at a rapid rate, particularly in many developing states with a deficiency of resources on their ain land. It is predicted that between 1997 and 2020 energy demand will increase 60 per centum, 120 per centum growing will happen in developing states, particularly in Asia ( Hill, 2004 ) . If this tendency continued, the environmental jobs would necessarily deteriorate even farther. As a considerable proportion of the universe energy, fossil fuels account for the premier beginnings of C dioxide emanations, which are chief subscribers to the planetary heating. Acid rain concentrated by acerb gases from fossil fuels, amendss ecosystems and corrodes human edifices. It is going a terrible job in Asia with the turning ingestion of fossil fuels as the procedure of industrialisation accelerates ( Seitz, 2008 ) . The quickly spread outing usage of gasoline-powered vehicles could do terrible urban smog and spit little particulates, which are the greatest menace to people ‘s wellness ( Jaccard, 2005 ) . Sanderson and Islam ( 2007 ) maintain that the way of economic development necessarily caused environmental jobs related to the overly usage of environmental resources and clime can besides impact some sectors of the economic system such as H2O resources, agribusiness, conv eyance and touristry, which are vulnerable to climate alteration. In general there are three major solutions for the turning energy demand and world-wide environmental jobs, each of which has its attractive forces. First fossil fuels can be used more cleanly and expeditiously, which could lend to a decrease in energy strength and cut down the emanations of nursery gases. Energy preservation can take consequence in short term and straight execute on present energy system without great passage. The economic system in the United States increased 30 per centum while the oil ingestion declined 20 per centum between 1977 and 1985 because the state used energy much more expeditiously ( Seitz, 2008 ) . Second, atomic power emits no air pollution which could greatly turn to the environmental jobs. France shifted to atomic as its major power of electricity in response to the energy crisis, and by 2005 it reached one of the universe highest rates by supplying 80 per centum of its electricity from atomic beginning ( ibid ) . Third renewable energy involves uni nterrupted energy beginnings and produces small pollution to the environment. There is immense potency in this new energy beginnings to run into much of the turning energy demand and bit by bit replace fossil fuels with equal support ( Middleton, 2003 ) . For every bit long as the planetary economic system continues to development and operate on the footing of limited energy supplies, the great demand for energy services in the hereafter would do terrible energy crisis. Increasing energy efficiency can assist to countervail the rise in energy demand, but it is improbable to turn to all the extra demands ( ibid ) . Furthermore, the environmental taint caused by fossil fuels will go on to necessitate options. Lauber ( 2005 ) maintains that while the present cost of salvaging one ton of C by increasing energy efficiency is well lower than by utilizing renewable energy to avoid emanations, renewable power will play a function in the long tally, energy efficiency can merely work out short term job. Besides the safety and atomic waste jobs, a important growing in atomic power usage would increase trust on imported U. Dependence on energy imports would still be a first job for states with a deficiency of resources. In add-on, the atomic begi nnings besides face energy crisis as it is shown that the known militias of U will merely last for 60 old ages by present counts. ( Traube, 2004, cited Lauber, 2005 ) . Therefore, renewable energy seems to be a better option based on its two outstanding advantages: infinite beginnings and small pollution. Renewable energy may be defined as energy generated from natural resources in the environment such as sunshine, air current, tides and geothermic heat, which are continuously replenished. Harmonizing to the definition renewable energy will ne’er run out. For this ground, renewable energy could be an ideal solution to the energy deficit job. Additionally, renewable energy does non bring forth pollution straight, which will relieve the serious planetary environmental impairment. Renewable energy is really already in widespread usage: approximately 20 per centum of universe ‘s electricity production comes from hydroelectric dikes ; in many developing states biomass provides the lone power for cookery and warming ; India and China both have primary air current power electricity programs, with 2,000 megawatt marks ; Some Middle Eastern stat es are seeking to research the H production powered by solar energy as a long-run option to dependence on exporting oil ; The large-scale federal authorities in the United States received increasing R A ; D support for renewable energy after the 1974 oil daze ( Elliott, 1997 ) . The widespread usage of renewable energy in many states clearly shows that the publicity of renewable energy engineerings provides great advantages for both rich and hapless states. In industrialised states, solar or weave energy necessitate extremely skilled and knowledge-intensive employers, which will be an drift to a new occupation hunting inclination. Using biomass with more efficient engineerings for cookery and warming in developing states where the biomass is normally used inefficiently and prodigally can convey big benefits such as a decrease in deforestation. Examples are the widespread usage of improved wood and wood coal cooking ranges in Kenya every bit good as the production of ethyl alcohol from sugar cane in Brazil ( Aˆmann, Laumanns and Uh, 2006 ) . However, â€Å" one renewable beginning may bring forth small or no pollution, but have other inauspicious environmental and societal consequence †( Hill, 2004, p.325 ) . Hydroelectric dikes generate low nursery gas emanations but affect both up- and down-stream ecosystems and coerce many people who live along the river into taking from their places. Solar power does non bring forth direct pollution. During the procedure of fabrication and transporting solar panels, energy storage and keeping machines, nevertheless, pollution will be generated. Renewable energy has to confront three challenges in its practical application. First, the beginnings of energy are non uninterrupted. For illustration solar power can non be accumulated at dark and lupus erythematosus is generated on cloudy or showery yearss with small sunshine ( Hill, 2004 ) . The job with air current power is that the air current may non be blowing when and where it is needed. Therefore the large-scale storage of solar and weave energy is necessary and needs both proficient and fiscal support. Second, renewable energy has comparatively low energy denseness. Take the instance of solar energy, to run into the big energy demand, big countries of land are required to be covered with solar panels. Harmonizing to the US Electric Power Research Institute, to run into 25 per centum of America ‘s electricity demand about 6000 square stat mis of solar farms, an country peers to the Connecticut State, are needed ( Hill, 2004 ) . Biomass energy will confront the same ch allenge. Large land countries used for biomass energy demand to stay forested. This could do land-use struggles because the important growing of the universe ‘s population will necessitate increasing nutrient production and more land dedicated to agribusiness. There is a tradeoff between the two methods of land usage ( Jaccard, 2005 ) . The 3rd challenge involves inconvenient location of power workss. Large-scale solar power workss need to be located in countries with plentiful and long-time sunshine. The best air current power need the energy sites with reliable and strong air currents. These locations are normally far from energy ingestion centres. Transporting the power to clients requires substructures and complicated power line organisation. Peoples normally do non desire power lines near their places or schools and a deficiency of transporting substructures are all obstructions to the existent feasibleness. There are besides political and finicky barriers to the acceptance of renewable energy system. Many authoritiess prefer conventional fossil fuels to renewable energy â€Å" due to tradition, acquaintance, and the size, economic strength, and political clout of the conventional energy industries †( Geller, 2002, p. 43 ) . In developing states loans for building renewable energy undertakings have been rejected by the World Bank and many-sided development Bankss due to their little undertaking graduated table, strangeness with the engineerings and higher investing hazard ( Martinot, 2001, cited in Geller, 2002 ) . In decision, despite those barriers and disadvantages, the widespread usage of renewable energy meets the demands of sustainable development in a long term. Whether in footings of increasing energy efficiency, switching to atomic power or developing renewable energy beginnings, the future effects can non be evitable. Even though renewable power engineerings were in most instances non to the full competitory commercially and the switch to renewable energy system will take a long period, their costs had the possible to fall quickly, and by 2020 should be able to surpass fossil fuels ( Lauber, 2005 ) . Nuclear power was evaluated as being more expensive than renewable energy and as keeping small opportunity of cost decreases in the hereafter. At the present phase different beginnings should be used together and the development of renewable energy should be given more accent. Mentions Aˆmann, Dirk, Laumanns, Ulrich and Uh, Dieter ( 2006 ) Renewable Energy: a planetary reappraisal of engineerings, policies and markets London: Sterling, VA: Earthscan. Elliott, D. ( 1997 ) Energy, Society and Environment: Technology for a Sustainable Future. New York: Routledge. Geller, Howard ( 2002 ) Energy Revolution: Policies for a Sustainable Future. Washington, DC, USA: Island Press. Hill, Marquita K. ( 2004 ) Understanding Environmental Pollution ( 2nd ed. ) . Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Jaccard, Mark Kenneth ( 2005 ) . Sustainable fossil fuels: the unusual suspect in the pursuit for clean and digesting energy Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Jamie Sanderson and Sardar M.N. Islam ( 2007 ) Climate alteration and economic development: SEA regional modeling and analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Lauber, V. ( Ed. ) ( 2005 ) Switch overing to Renewable Power: A model for the twenty-first Century. London, GBR: Earthscan Publications. Middleton, Nick ( 2003 ) The planetary casino: an debut to environmental issues ( 3rd ed. ) London: Arnold. Seitz, J L ( 2008 ) Global Issues ( 3rd ed. ) . Blackwell: Malden MA ( USA ) . How to cite Widespread use of renewable energy, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Deep End of the Ocean free essay sample
An examination of the theme of grief in the novel The Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard. The Deep End of the Ocean is a book about grief and how an imperfect American family deals with the loss of a son. The book explores the themes of grief and loss, uncertainty, and of guilt, as it delves into the Cappadoras reactions to the loss of their three-year old son, Ben. The paper analyzes this central theme of the novel and how it influences the characters. There are several themes explored in Mitchards book. Primarily, The Deep End of the Ocean is a book about the emotion of grief. Mitchard delves deeply into the theme of grief and loss, and chronicles this experience in all of the immediate family members. This grief is the focal point of the novel, and runs through almost every experience the family has after loosing Ben. We will write a custom essay sample on The Deep End of the Ocean or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Before his disappearance, Ben worries that the ocean is too deep, and will harm him, Beth replies, Dont be afraid. Mama would never let the ocean snatch you away` (page 126). The deep end of the ocean is an excellent metaphor for the grief, and depth of loss that Beth and the other family members feel after Ben is disappears.`
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