Wednesday, July 31, 2019
History of India Essay
India, or Bharat, the fifth largest and the second populated country in the world, is one of the few countries which can boast of an ancient, deep-rooted and diverse culture, which stretches back to 5000 years. In ancient times, India was known as ‘Bharata Varsha’, the country of the legendary king of Puranic times called Bharat, and was believed to be a part of the island continent called ‘Jambu Dvipa’. Geologically speaking, India formed part of the Gondwana land and was attached to Antarctica and Australia, before it was liberated from the Antarctica complex about 135 million years ago and started drifting towards the north and finally joining South Asia about 45 million years ago. The Siwalik foothills of the north-western Himalayas served as home to the fossil primate genus known as Ramapithecus, which lived some 14 million years ago. Researches have also found that a species resembling the Australopithecus lived in India some 2 million years ago. Some anthropologists believe that the Chotanagpur region witnessed the transformation of Homo Erectus to Homo Sapiens. This claim is based on the findings of hand axes and blades in the region of Pathalgarwa and the discovery of Harappan pottery in the nearby areas. Early Civilisations Extensive archaeological excavations carried out at Mohenjodaro in the present Pakistan in 1922 brought to light the existence of a highly sophisticated and urbanized culture known as the Harappan Civilization in India, which dominated the north-western part of the Indian Subcontinent. It is believed that this civilisation covered an area of 1600 km from east to west and 1100 km from north to south, which exceeds the area occupied by contemporary civilisations like the Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilisations. This civilisation is generally dated from about 2600 to 2000 B.C. However, Carbon-14 analysis of the structures at Mehrgarh near the Bolan Pass has indicated that the people of this place were growing wheat and barley and tending sheep and goat as early as 5000 B.C. Archaeologists have by now discovered more than 800 sites related to the Harappan Civilisation. Most scholars believe that the Harappan Civilisation was decayed as a result of the ‘problems of ecology’. The next most important phase in the Indian history came centuries later with the advent of Aryans from the northwest of India. The Aryan migration to India was gradual and spread over many centuries. There is a difference of opinion about the original home of the Aryans. The different suggestions given by different scholars vary considerably in terms of geographic position in the world. Bal Gangadhar Tilak suggested that the Arctic region could be the home of Aryans. P.Giles suggested Hungary, Austria, Bohemia or the Valley of Danube as the possible home of Aryans, while Max Muller suggested Central Asia, Penka suggested Germany or Scandinavia, Edward Mayer suggested Plateau of Pamir and Dr B.K.Ghosh and Gordon Childe suggested South Russia. There are others who vouch for an Indian origin of the Aryans, like Ganganath Jha (origin from Brahmarishi Desh), D.S.Kala (hilly region of Himalayas and Kashmir), Avinashchandra Das (Saptasindhu Pradesh) and Rajbali Pandey (Madhya Desh). The Aryans developed a remarkable culture, popularly known as Vedic culture, which was markedly different from the Harappan Culture. The Vedic period is divided into the Rig Vedic Period (1500-1000 B.C.) and the Later Vedic Period (1000-600 B.C.). The Vedic period can be considered as the foundation stone for the Indian culture in all its multitudinous aspects. It laid the foundation for the Hindu Dharma and produced a host of religious and secular texts, which constitute a very important part of the religious heritage of India. The Vedas, Upavedas, Upanishads, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and the Dharmashastras were produced during these times. The institution of gotra and the caste system appeared in the later Vedic times. From this period onwards, India functioned as a virtually self-contained political and cultural unit, which gave rise to a distinctive tradition that was associated primarily with Hinduism, although other religions, notably Buddhism and Jainism in the ancient times, Islam in the medieval period and Christianity in the modern times, did make a strong impact on the socio-cultural aspects of India. Endless Diversity There is an endless diversity in India starting from its physical features to Geologic structure, fauna and flora, demographic structure, races, languages, religions, arts and crafts and customs and traditions. India has been variously described as â€Å"the Mini World†, the â€Å"epitome of the world†and an â€Å"ethnological museum†. The diversities are so bewildering that for many people in the Western world, India remains a land full of mysteries and myths. The diversity in India is unique in the sense that it binds the country together in some form of common identification. Underneath this diversity lies the continuity of Indian civilization and social structure from the very earliest times until the present day. This concept of ‘Unity in Diversity’ is perhaps typical of India and has served as its strength during all ages and during the roughest times in its political and cultural history. It is amazing that different elements of Indian culture, particularly its drama and the arts, despite passing through different political phases, are characterised by an unmistakable unity and continuity. The successive waves of migration into India starting with the Indo-Greeks (2nd Century B.C.), the Kushans (First century A.D.), the incursions from the northwest by Arab, Turkish, Persian and others beginning in the early 8th century A.D. and finally the establishment of the Muslim empire by the 13th century A.D. and the advent of Europeans ‘ the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English, the Danes and the French ‘ into India, have brought in new elements in arts, music, literature, customs and traditions, which got absorbed into the Indian way of life, thus enriching the Indian culture . From the very ancient times India not only absorbed the foreign cultures into its composite fold, but it also managed to spread the rich elements of its own unique culture in different parts of the world. It is historically recorded that the Chola rulers had cultural contacts with countries like Ilamandalam (Sri Lanka), Sri Vijaya (Sumatra), Chavakam (Java), Kamboja (Cambodia) and Kadaram (Malay Peninsula). Evidences of these early Indian contacts are still found in the art and architecture of these countries. The Southeast Asian countries formed a stronghold of Indian culture from the early centuries of the Christian era. The various Southeast Asian languages show strong influence of Sanskrit. Many earlier kingdoms of these countries had adopted Hinduism as their religion, whose influence is perceptible even today. India presents a picture of unity in diversity to which history provides no parallel. There is complete harmony in India in each of its cultural elements. Religion and philosophy, which forms the bedrock of any civilisation, are evident in India in the form of all major religions in the world  Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. Several unique philosophical thoughts like Kapila’s Sankhya Philosophy, Patanjali’s Yoga, Gautami’s Nyaya, Kananada’s Vaisheshika and Jaimini’s Purva Mimamsa developed in India and attracted the attention of the outside world. Religious tolerance has been the characteristic of the Indian civilisation right from the ancient days. Hindu sages declare that there is no single religion that teaches ways leading to an exclusive path to salvation. All genuine spiritual paths are valid and all great religions are like the branches of a tree ‘ the tree of religion. This doctrine lays foundation for the Hindu ideal of universal harmony. This tradition was carried forward in the medieval times by the Sufi and Bhakti saints like Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Baba Farid, Baba Malukadasa, Baba Dharinidasa and Garibadasa. Indeed, the framers of the Indian Constitution ensured the continuance of these glorious traditions when they declared India as â€Å"Sovereign, Socialist, Secular and Democratic Republic†. Regional Diversity: Each state of India has its own language and set of tribes, festivals, arts and crafts and customs and traditions. While there are the Chenchus tribes in Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Bhils and Gonds in the Central India, Dogris, Gujjars and Ladakhis in the Jammu and Kashmir and Nagas, Bodos, Mishmis, Gharos and Khasis in the Northeast, there are tribes like the Jarewas, Onges, Andamanis and Sentinelese in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. There are some festivals, which are typical of particular states, towns or villages like the Bonnalu of Andhra Pradesh, Pushkar of Rajasthan, Rajrani of Orissa, Teej of Rajasthan and Bogali Bihu of Assam. Each region is also identified with its typical folk and tribal dance forms, like Puli Vesham of Andhra Pradesh, Keli Gopal of Assam, Chhau of Bihar, Dandia of Gujarat, Bhangra of Punjab and Otthanthulal of Kerala. A similar distinction can also be established in the folk drama, theatre and puppetry forms, as also the arts and crafts. Development of Arts and Fine Arts There was a continuous evolution of drama, music, dance, painting and folk art forms under the different political rules in India that ultimately led to the development of the definite ‘Indian’ element in each of these forms. Thus, within the ambience of Indian culture one can identify ‘Indian Music’, ‘Indian Dance’, ‘Indian Theatre’, ‘Indian Literature’, ‘Indian Fairs and Festivals’ and so on. Indian music has a very long and unbroken tradition, which is an accumulated heritage of centuries and traces its roots to Vedic days. Bharata’s Natyashastra (4th Century A.D.) is a great, comprehensive work on the science and technique of Indian drama, dance and music. The advent of Muslim rule in India brought in a changed perspective in the style of the Northern Indian music. The traditional Hindu devotional music form of dhruvapad got transformed into the classical dhrupad form of singing under the Muslim rule. The khayal developed as a new form of singing in the 18th century A.D. and became equally popular among the Hindus and Muslims. Different ragas began to be introduced from the medieval times. Tansen created many new ragas like Darbari Kanada, Darbari Todi, Miyan Ki Todi, Miya ki Malhar and Miya ki Sarang, which until now, are regarded as the foremost ragas of Northern India. Sultan Hussain Sarki of Jaunpur introduced ragas like Jaunpuri tori and Hussaini Kanada. Amir Khusro is credited with the creation of the Hemant, Prabhat Kali and Hem Behag ragas. A large variety of foreign musical instruments like Harmonium, Sarod, Shehnai, Sitar, Tabla and Violin were introduced in India to supplement the ancient musical instruments like Flute, Nadaswaram, Veena, Gootuvadhyam, Thavil, Mridangam and Plain drum. The six outstanding Sanskrit playwrights of all times, Shudraka, Harsha, VisakhA.D.atta, Bhasa, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti have made tremendous contributions in the field of dramatics. Kalidasa’s Shakuntala, King Harsha’s Ratnavali, Bhasa’s Swapna-vasavadatta, Bhavabhuti’s Uttara-rama-charita and Mahavira-charita, Visakhadatta’s Mudrarakshasa are some of the outstanding Sanskrit plays, which indicate that India had a highly sophisticated theatre tradition in ancient times when in most other countries it was still in its infancy. Again in the field of literature, the earliest writing can be traced to the Rig Vedic poetry in Sanskrit. The Rigveda consists of 1028 suktas or hymns that are distributed in ten books called mandalas. This is perhaps, the earliest poetry in the world. The two great Sanskrit epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata composed by Valmiki and Vyasa respectively, along with the Puranas, constitute the pillars of the Indian literature. The Manu Smriti (1st century B.C.) is the best illustrator of the Dharma-sastras or Smritis or the Hindu religious laws. Kalidasa, Bairavi, Sudraka, Vishnu Sharma, Dandin and others composed several literary masterpieces in the ancient times. India’s contribution to the world was also immense in the field of astronomy, mathematics and medicine. Aryabhatta was the first to state that the earth moves round the sun and that the eclipses are caused by the shA.D.ow of the earth falling on the moon. Aryabhatta’s Aryabhatiya, Dasagitika-Sutra and Aryastasata belonging to the 5th century, Varahamihira’s Pancha-siddhantika, Brahmagupta’s Brahmasphuta-siddhanta and Khanda-khadyaka, Bhaskaracharya’s Siddhanta-shiromani and Karana-kutuhala and Bhoja’s Raja-mriganka are important ancient Indian texts on astronomy. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans, which was consolidated 2500 years ago by Charaka, who was described as the ‘Father of Medicine’. Another ancient Indian Sushruta, who is considered as the ‘Father of Surgery’, is believed to have conducted complicated surgeries using over 125 different surgical equipments. Usage of anaesthesia was also well known in ancient India. Like-wise deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology, aetiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many ancient Indian texts. India’s most precious gift to the world is zero (0), which wa s referred to as Shunya in the ancient texts. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus also came from India. One of the best-known achievements of the Indian mathematics is the decimal system. Its first occurrence was on a plate of the year 595 A.D. where the date 346 A.D. was written in decimal place-value notation. Aryabhatta, who calculated the value of p as 3.1416, is also credited with the creation of Algebraic analysis. Budhayana explained the concept of the Pythagorean Theorem way back in the 6th century. Brahmagupta’s Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhanta has two chapters devoted to arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Bhaskara’s Lilavati was for many centuries a standard work on arithmetic and Mensuration in the East. The world’s first university was established in Takshila in 700 B.C., where more than 10,500 students from all over the world studied over sixty different subjects. The University of Nalanda established in the 5th century B.C. was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education. Described as â€Å"The Oxford University of Mahayana Buddhism†, it offered wide range of subjects like literature, logic, grammar, medicine, philosophy and astronomy. Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages. A report in the Forbes magazine of July 1987 described Sanskrit is the most suitable language for the computer software. Vaishali, in modern Bihar, is often described as the World’s First Republic, as it had a duly elected assembly of representatives and efficient Administration as early as the 6th century B.C. Modern India The British rule in India, despite its several excesses and oppressive characteristics, had made several useful and lasting contributions to the Indian culture. Several social and administrative reforms were introduced during the British period. Warren Hastings brought about a reorganisation of judicial institutions and re-codification of the Hindu law. He established courts of appeal for civil and criminal cases at Calcutta and also a Supreme Court at Calcutta (now Kolkata). He also gave active encouragement to the formation of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Lord Cornwallis laid the foundation for the present Indian constitution. He also brought about judicial reforms by replacing the Shariat law with the English law. William Bentick abolished evil practices prevailing in the Indian society like Sati and female infanticide and introduced modern western education in India. He also established the Calcutta Medical College and the Elphinstone Institution at Bombay (now Mumbai). Lord Dalhousie set up the Public Works Department to look after the construction and maintenance of roads. He also set up the Post & Telegraphs Department and issued the first postage stamp in 1852 at Karachi. He opened the first Railway line on April 16, 1853 between Bombay and Thane. He also legalized the marriages of Hindu widows. The British introduced the neo-Colonial and Indo-Saracenic styles of Architecture in India. They were also instrumental in encouraging the development of modern theatre and cinema movements in India. The British enacted several laws and regulations, many of which are still followed in the Indian administrative set-up in some form or the other. The positive outcome of English education was most felt when many Indian social reformers began to emerge on the scene to fight against the social evils like Caste system, untouchability and emancipation of women and the downtrodden. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the foremost among such social reformers, who established the Brahmo Samaj. Soon, other organisations like the Prarthana Samaj, Arya Samaj, Dev Samaj, Ramkrishna Mission and the Theosophical Society of India were set up with similar aims and objectives. After Independence, the Indian Government enacted several legislations to tackle the prevailing social evils. Several steps were also initiated towards the emancipation of women and protection of the weaker sections of the society. Economically and socially, India has made great strides since independence. It has a well-developed infrastructure and a highly diversified industrial base, its pool of scientific and engineering personnel is the third largest in the world, and the pace of its agricultural expansion has more than kept up with the growth in its population. Rapid strides were also made in the field of Science and Technology and Research. India’s eminent scientists like C.V.Raman, Hargobind Khorana and S.Chandrasekhar won Nobel Prizes for outstanding contributions in their respective fields. India has an advanced and well-developed Space Technology programme and the remote sensing data from its IRS series of satellites is much sought after all-over the world. India has even launched satellites for advanced countries like Germany and South Korea. India is now a nuclear power, but its nuclear policy is not aimed at the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction or threatening the security of any country. India’s foreign policy is based on ‘enlightened self-i nterest’, peaceful co-existence and respect for international law and the United Nations Organisation. March into the New Millennium India marched into the new Millennium as the fifth biggest economy in the world in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP). It has become the leading supplier of IT professionals in the world, particularly to the United States. Its population having crossed the one-billionth mark, India has perhaps the largest middle class market in the world. It is indeed a matter of great pride for India that the world has given due recognition to Indians and Indian leaders as major contributors, who have shaped the world during the last millennium. Mahatma Gandhi was voted the Man of the Millennium in an online opinion poll conducted by the British Broadcasting Service (BBC)’s online news site in December 1999. In an earlier BBC Online poll conducted in May 1999, Gandhi was also voted as the Greatest World Leader. The Time magazine also chose Gandhi as the most important person of the century, next only to Albert Einstein. The former Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, was named as the â€Å"Woman of the Millennium†in a BBC poll, ahead of several other distinguished personalities of the world. India’s culture and heritage is so rich and deep-rooted that it may take several months or even years to understand all its dimensions. From the time immemorial India has fascinated many a world traveller like Fahien, Hiuen Tsang, Ibn Batuta, Alberuni, Ferishta, Vasco da Gama, Marco Polo and several others. Albert Einstein once said: â€Å"We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.†The great German Indologist Max Muller said: â€Å"If I were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power and beauty that nature can bestow ‘ in some parts a very paradise on earth ‘ I should point to India. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed the choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solution of some of them, which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant ‘ I should point to India.’ The following quotation of the great American philosopher and writer Will Durant sums up the divine land called India, thus ‘India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages; she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all.’
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Wounds That Can Not Be Stitched
Stephanie Holmes 06-06-2011 Wounds that Can’t be Stitched Up I learned that sometimes you think your over things in your life until you see that actual person that has caused a fear in your life. It was upsetting to me that this man did not get any serious punishment for DWI and hit this family. That how did even have the nerve to get back behind the will after the tragedy he caused. It made me made when people were making excuses for him. He had the nerve to say to her at the end did I scare you oh, that really ticked me. As he staggered from his vehicle, he looked at me and asked drunkenly, â€Å"Did I scare you? †It made me mad. How can he dare ask a question like that when he damn their killed her mom, brother, and sister. Her daughter was standing outside to. I would imagine that would be very upsetting to her especially the stuff her family had been through. I think the writer was very heated and probably wanted to beat him up. That some people don’t understand what they did caused pain and hurt. Some people never learn. Now and then I’d see his name in court log of our local paper for another DWI. As he staggered from his vehicle, he looked at me and asked drunkenly, â€Å"Did I scare you? †He kept repeating that he’d did nothing wrong. Yes she was an intelligent source to discuss this piece with. She had an essay that appeared in Newsweek. The incident had caused her to write the essay The Wound That Can’t Be Stitched Up. That she used the sixth edition of Models for Writers to help her learn how to write.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Agricultural Change And Intensification In Britain Environmental Sciences Essay
Emphasis was placed upon the usage of modern and intensive agricultural patterns to increase end product, ensuing in enhanced mechanization, enlargement and intensification ( Dobbs and Pretty, 2004 ) . However, a move to big scale agri-business resulted in profound and inauspicious effects on rural biodiversity and farming area home grounds with the over-exploitation of their valuable resources. Habitats underwent considerable debasement, peculiarly with hedge remotion to suit larger machinery, destructing extremely good nutrient beginnings and engendering home grounds for wildlife. Additionally, technological promotions led to the widespread execution of man-made chemical weedkillers and pesticides to increase outputs, which resulted in terrible damaging effects to flora, zoologies and H2O quality. Furthermore, the debut of larger and more sophisticated agricultural machinery and cultivated land procedures resulted in significant decreases to dirty quality, through compression and eroding. With 75 % of UK land classed as agricultural, cumulatively these damaging effects sparked major concern ( Montemayor et al. , 2010 ) . 1.2 The Rise of Modern Environmentalism As a consequence of the widespread debasement of agricultural ecosystems during the post-war period, the coming of modern environmentalism in the 1970s and 1980s focussed consciousness on the importance of extenuating the inauspicious impacts of agricultural intensification. The publication of Rachel Carson ‘s ‘Silent Spring ‘ in 1962 is thought to hold been a major landmark in the outgrowth of environmental consciousness ( Dunlap, 2008 ) . Carson highlighted the considerable damaging side-effects of pesticide use, peculiarly DDT. Concern was sparked amongst ecologists over the possible for bioaccumulation of DDT within ecosystems and its harmful generative impacts, peculiarly for birds. Doctors and the general population besides feared the harmful effects of indiscriminate DDT usage, due to toxicity and carcinogenic effects ( Carson, 1962 ) . Therefore, the publication of ‘Silent Spring ‘ instigated the modern environmental motion, and people became mor e cognizant of the jobs faced within the agricultural sector. 1.3 The Common Agricultural Policy The European Union Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) provides agricultural subsidies to member provinces in order to advance sustainable agribusiness ( European Commission, 2010 ) . The CAP is made up of 2 pillars ; pillar 1 encompasses market support steps and direct payments for run intoing cross-compliance criterions chiefly for the environment, nutrient safety and animate being public assistance. Pillar 2 nevertheless is focussed upon rural development programmes ( House of Lords, 2005 ) . The early CAP of the 1950s was focussed upon pillar 1 steps, for increasing autonomy through the proviso of inducements to husbandmans in order to promote greater productiveness. However, with the rise of modern environmentalism, the agricultural accent shifted towards environmental sustainability, doing a bifurcation of the function of land directors with the demand to non merely supply agricultural efficiency, but besides to integrate environmental protection ( ref ) . With increasing accent on environmental saving, and a realization of the potency of agro-ecological procedures, the United Kingdom introduced the first agri-environmental strategy in 1987, named the Environmentally Sensitive Areas strategy ( ESA ) . This was superseded by the Countryside Stewardship Scheme ( CSS ) in 1991 which was a consequence of the major CAP reforms of the 1990s, aimed at supplying for the altering demands of both the agricultural sector and the wider community ( Natural England ) . Figure 1.1 clearly illustrates the alterations to UK agri-environment strategies which took topographic point between 1973 and 2000, foregrounding the important changes to agricultural precede nces. Figure 1.1: Changes in UK agri-environment strategy subsidies from 1973 – 2000 ( beginning: Monetary value, 2003, p.122 ) . Degree centigrades: UsersEmPicturesimg010.jpg Since so, the demand to extenuate clime alteration has been progressively recognised, in order to restrict dirt and H2O debasement and to control the loss of biodiversity. Whilst direct pillar 1 subsidy payments still exist under the Single Farm Payment Scheme, accent has been shifted to pillar 2 policies ; redesigned to non merely crippled environmental harm, but heighten the agricultural landscape through the publicity of more sustainable agriculture patterns that will make a natural environment that is better suited to defy the impacts of climatic alteration. 1.4 Environmental Stewardship The Environmental Stewardship ( ES ) strategy was introduced in 2005, as a agency to counterbalance husbandmans for supplying specific environmental criterions that go beyond the cross-compliance standard of the CAP. ES strategies are administered for the authorities ‘s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs ( DEFRA ) by Natural England, and are a cardinal constituent of the European Union funded Rural Development Programme for England 2007-2013, conveying together the old CSS and ESA strategies ( Natural England ) . As keepers and stewards of the rural landscape, husbandmans have an intuitive ethical duty to continue and enrich farming area ecosystems ; nevertheless this is frequently non realistic in footings of fiscal viability ( ref ) . With the major challenges posed by clime alteration, and subsequent nutrient security issues, it has become progressively of import that support and counsel is made available for husbandmans and land directors. This enables the bringing of effectual environmental protection, whilst keeping premier agricultural land, to heighten the part of agribusiness to climate alteration extenuation through diminishing nursery gas emanations and bettering dirt C segregation ( Natural England ) . Environmental Stewardship strategies are presently the primary beginning of pecuniary inducements, dwelling of Entry Level Stewardship ( ELS ) , Higher Level Stewardship ( HLS ) , Organic Entry Level Stewardship ( OELS ) and Uplands Entry Level Stewardship ( UELS ) . It is recognised that little graduated table husbandmans must stay the focal point of such enterprises, explicating the demand for 4 different multi-objective strategies. The chief aims of Environmental Stewardship are to: preserve biodiversity maintain and enhance landscape quality protect the historic environment promote public apprehension and entree protect natural dirt and H2O resources ( Natural England, 2010 ) ELS enchiridion ) This survey will concentrate merely upon ELS and HLS ; explained in the undermentioned subdivisions. 1.4.1 Entry Level Stewardship The ELS strategy is a 5 twelvemonth understanding, open to all land directors in England, and offers a broad scope of options for simple yet effectual environmental direction. 30 points per hectare must be chosen from over 50 options, in order to have a payment of A ; lb ; 30 per hectare per twelvemonth. Management options include the usage of buffer strips, assorted stocking, screen harvests, harvest rotary motion and watercourse fence ( Natural England ELS enchiridion ) . ELS is a wide and shallow, high uptake attack with environmental demands that are comparatively easy to run into without significantly changing direction patterns. 1.4.2 Higher Degree Stewardship HLS normally builds upon ELS, OELS or UELS, offering a higher tiered direction strategy. It is more complex and demanding, necessitating well greater input, which is reflected in the higher compensation payments for direction input and capital plants. Emphasis is placed upon specialized land direction to supply important environmental addition in high precedence countries. HLS understandings last for 10 old ages, and are a competitory and discretional, narrow and deep attack with a lower application success rate. In add-on to the sweetening of ELS aims, HLS provides chances for bettering public entree and carry oning educational visits ( Natural England: HLS handbook 2010 ) . 1.5 Purposes This research undertaking aims to supply an original penetration into the effectivity of the Environmental Stewardship strategy. While other surveies focus upon the motivations of participants and the obstructions that limit engagement, this probe will turn to an underexplored, yet extremely relevant subject which relates non merely to agricultural patterns, but to wider environmental and anthropogenetic clime alteration concerns that remain at the head of current arguments. 1.6 Research Questions This probe aims to specifically turn to the undermentioned research inquiries: Are the ecological benefits to vegetations and zoologies well better under the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme when compared to the Entry Level Stewardship Scheme? Is there a pronounced sweetening of flora species richness under HLS when compared to ELS? Is H2O quality and therefore aquatic species diverseness enhanced under HLS? Does macrolepidoptera copiousness and composing exhibit significant sweetening under higher tiered direction schemes? Are dirt features significantly altered under different direction grades? 2. Overall, is Environmental Stewardship an effectual manner to pull off the rural landscape, and can the high fiscal input required be considered cost effectual in footings of the environmental return? 1.7 Aims To ease the scrutiny of the purposes and research inquiries the undermentioned aims will be used: 1. Identify 4 appropriate survey sites ; 2 ELS and 2 HLS managed farms in South Devon on which the necessary research can be conducted. 2. Undertake macroinvertebrate, dirt, flora and macrolepidoptera trying at each survey site. 3. Identify all species observed and collate informations obtained from each location. 4. Process informations utilizing appropriate graphical and statistical techniques. 5. Discourse the consequences that are obtained in order to derive a reasoned and representative rating of the effectivity of the different Environmental Stewardship direction grades. In order to carry through these aims, a literature reappraisal will be undertaken to supply farther penetration into the subject, and inform the informations aggregation, analysis and treatment chapters. Agricultural Change And Intensification In Britain Environmental Sciences Essay Emphasis was placed upon the usage of modern and intensive agricultural patterns to increase end product, ensuing in enhanced mechanization, enlargement and intensification ( Dobbs and Pretty, 2004 ) . However, a move to big scale agri-business resulted in profound and inauspicious effects on rural biodiversity and farming area home grounds with the over-exploitation of their valuable resources. Habitats underwent considerable debasement, peculiarly with hedge remotion to suit larger machinery, destructing extremely good nutrient beginnings and engendering home grounds for wildlife. Additionally, technological promotions led to the widespread execution of man-made chemical weedkillers and pesticides to increase outputs, which resulted in terrible damaging effects to flora, zoologies and H2O quality. Furthermore, the debut of larger and more sophisticated agricultural machinery and cultivated land procedures resulted in significant decreases to dirty quality, through compression and eroding. With 75 % of UK land classed as agricultural, cumulatively these damaging effects sparked major concern ( Montemayor et al. , 2010 ) . 1.2 The Rise of Modern Environmentalism As a consequence of the widespread debasement of agricultural ecosystems during the post-war period, the coming of modern environmentalism in the 1970s and 1980s focussed consciousness on the importance of extenuating the inauspicious impacts of agricultural intensification. The publication of Rachel Carson ‘s ‘Silent Spring ‘ in 1962 is thought to hold been a major landmark in the outgrowth of environmental consciousness ( Dunlap, 2008 ) . Carson highlighted the considerable damaging side-effects of pesticide use, peculiarly DDT. Concern was sparked amongst ecologists over the possible for bioaccumulation of DDT within ecosystems and its harmful generative impacts, peculiarly for birds. Doctors and the general population besides feared the harmful effects of indiscriminate DDT usage, due to toxicity and carcinogenic effects ( Carson, 1962 ) . Therefore, the publication of ‘Silent Spring ‘ instigated the modern environmental motion, and people became mor e cognizant of the jobs faced within the agricultural sector. 1.3 The Common Agricultural Policy The European Union Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ) provides agricultural subsidies to member provinces in order to advance sustainable agribusiness ( European Commission, 2010 ) . The CAP is made up of 2 pillars ; pillar 1 encompasses market support steps and direct payments for run intoing cross-compliance criterions chiefly for the environment, nutrient safety and animate being public assistance. Pillar 2 nevertheless is focussed upon rural development programmes ( House of Lords, 2005 ) . The early CAP of the 1950s was focussed upon pillar 1 steps, for increasing autonomy through the proviso of inducements to husbandmans in order to promote greater productiveness. However, with the rise of modern environmentalism, the agricultural accent shifted towards environmental sustainability, doing a bifurcation of the function of land directors with the demand to non merely supply agricultural efficiency, but besides to integrate environmental protection ( ref ) . With increasing accent on environmental saving, and a realization of the potency of agro-ecological procedures, the United Kingdom introduced the first agri-environmental strategy in 1987, named the Environmentally Sensitive Areas strategy ( ESA ) . This was superseded by the Countryside Stewardship Scheme ( CSS ) in 1991 which was a consequence of the major CAP reforms of the 1990s, aimed at supplying for the altering demands of both the agricultural sector and the wider community ( Natural England ) . Figure 1.1 clearly illustrates the alterations to UK agri-environment strategies which took topographic point between 1973 and 2000, foregrounding the important changes to agricultural precede nces. Figure 1.1: Changes in UK agri-environment strategy subsidies from 1973 – 2000 ( beginning: Monetary value, 2003, p.122 ) . Degree centigrades: UsersEmPicturesimg010.jpg Since so, the demand to extenuate clime alteration has been progressively recognised, in order to restrict dirt and H2O debasement and to control the loss of biodiversity. Whilst direct pillar 1 subsidy payments still exist under the Single Farm Payment Scheme, accent has been shifted to pillar 2 policies ; redesigned to non merely crippled environmental harm, but heighten the agricultural landscape through the publicity of more sustainable agriculture patterns that will make a natural environment that is better suited to defy the impacts of climatic alteration. 1.4 Environmental Stewardship The Environmental Stewardship ( ES ) strategy was introduced in 2005, as a agency to counterbalance husbandmans for supplying specific environmental criterions that go beyond the cross-compliance standard of the CAP. ES strategies are administered for the authorities ‘s Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs ( DEFRA ) by Natural England, and are a cardinal constituent of the European Union funded Rural Development Programme for England 2007-2013, conveying together the old CSS and ESA strategies ( Natural England ) . As keepers and stewards of the rural landscape, husbandmans have an intuitive ethical duty to continue and enrich farming area ecosystems ; nevertheless this is frequently non realistic in footings of fiscal viability ( ref ) . With the major challenges posed by clime alteration, and subsequent nutrient security issues, it has become progressively of import that support and counsel is made available for husbandmans and land directors. This enables the bringing of effectual environmental protection, whilst keeping premier agricultural land, to heighten the part of agribusiness to climate alteration extenuation through diminishing nursery gas emanations and bettering dirt C segregation ( Natural England ) . Environmental Stewardship strategies are presently the primary beginning of pecuniary inducements, dwelling of Entry Level Stewardship ( ELS ) , Higher Level Stewardship ( HLS ) , Organic Entry Level Stewardship ( OELS ) and Uplands Entry Level Stewardship ( UELS ) . It is recognised that little graduated table husbandmans must stay the focal point of such enterprises, explicating the demand for 4 different multi-objective strategies. The chief aims of Environmental Stewardship are to: preserve biodiversity maintain and enhance landscape quality protect the historic environment promote public apprehension and entree protect natural dirt and H2O resources ( Natural England, 2010 ) ELS enchiridion ) This survey will concentrate merely upon ELS and HLS ; explained in the undermentioned subdivisions. 1.4.1 Entry Level Stewardship The ELS strategy is a 5 twelvemonth understanding, open to all land directors in England, and offers a broad scope of options for simple yet effectual environmental direction. 30 points per hectare must be chosen from over 50 options, in order to have a payment of A ; lb ; 30 per hectare per twelvemonth. Management options include the usage of buffer strips, assorted stocking, screen harvests, harvest rotary motion and watercourse fence ( Natural England ELS enchiridion ) . ELS is a wide and shallow, high uptake attack with environmental demands that are comparatively easy to run into without significantly changing direction patterns. 1.4.2 Higher Degree Stewardship HLS normally builds upon ELS, OELS or UELS, offering a higher tiered direction strategy. It is more complex and demanding, necessitating well greater input, which is reflected in the higher compensation payments for direction input and capital plants. Emphasis is placed upon specialized land direction to supply important environmental addition in high precedence countries. HLS understandings last for 10 old ages, and are a competitory and discretional, narrow and deep attack with a lower application success rate. In add-on to the sweetening of ELS aims, HLS provides chances for bettering public entree and carry oning educational visits ( Natural England: HLS handbook 2010 ) . 1.5 Purposes This research undertaking aims to supply an original penetration into the effectivity of the Environmental Stewardship strategy. While other surveies focus upon the motivations of participants and the obstructions that limit engagement, this probe will turn to an underexplored, yet extremely relevant subject which relates non merely to agricultural patterns, but to wider environmental and anthropogenetic clime alteration concerns that remain at the head of current arguments. 1.6 Research Questions This probe aims to specifically turn to the undermentioned research inquiries: Are the ecological benefits to vegetations and zoologies well better under the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme when compared to the Entry Level Stewardship Scheme? Is there a pronounced sweetening of flora species richness under HLS when compared to ELS? Is H2O quality and therefore aquatic species diverseness enhanced under HLS? Does macrolepidoptera copiousness and composing exhibit significant sweetening under higher tiered direction schemes? Are dirt features significantly altered under different direction grades? 2. Overall, is Environmental Stewardship an effectual manner to pull off the rural landscape, and can the high fiscal input required be considered cost effectual in footings of the environmental return? 1.7 Aims To ease the scrutiny of the purposes and research inquiries the undermentioned aims will be used: 1. Identify 4 appropriate survey sites ; 2 ELS and 2 HLS managed farms in South Devon on which the necessary research can be conducted. 2. Undertake macroinvertebrate, dirt, flora and macrolepidoptera trying at each survey site. 3. Identify all species observed and collate informations obtained from each location. 4. Process informations utilizing appropriate graphical and statistical techniques. 5. Discourse the consequences that are obtained in order to derive a reasoned and representative rating of the effectivity of the different Environmental Stewardship direction grades. In order to carry through these aims, a literature reappraisal will be undertaken to supply farther penetration into the subject, and inform the informations aggregation, analysis and treatment chapters.
Case Study Question Answering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Case Study Question Answering - Essay Example All these strategies by the school head should principally focus on student learning, by providing institutional and instructional leadership (Brown, 2010, p. 5). Mrs. Huda faces an enormous task in her new capacity as a high school headmistress for a new school. Mrs. Huda possesses hardworking and intelligent characteristics that came out clearly throughout her career and studies. She has a strong personality, serious about her duties, excellent and shows perseverance. After her studies, Mrs. Huda worked as a mathematics teacher. Because of her successes in her profession, she gained promotion within 7 years to a secondary school headmistress. She worked tirelessly as a headmistress, and after four years, her achievements were noticeable. The ministry and the educational zone took pride of her hard work. In her fifth year as school head, she was transferred to another school by her superiors who aimed at placing an experienced and hardworking headmistress as the school head. She ass umed her responsibility and functions in her new school with motivation and enthusiasm. However, as she went about her duties with strictness and highhandedness, some of the teachers disliked her leadership style, and they brought it up with the education zone and the ministry. These teachers accused the headmistress of imposing her views, scolding them and being impolite and cruel with her words. They also accused her of constantly changing administrative demands, being bossy and not considering the teachers social needs (Al-Waqfi, & Forstenlechner, 2009, p.2). If I were Mrs. Huda, acting as a school head, I would act appropriately to administrative issues arising in my school as highlighted in each of the following situations. When It Comes To My Knowledge That I Will Be Transferred To a New School During the school holiday, I would make an inquiry about the new school, students and faculty. I would also inquire about the parents and the culture of the school. I would make an asse ssment of the school and have clear goals and expectations. This assessment would establish what needs assessment, and the people to look up to for feedback. This assessment that is reliable and valid will then be linked to research-based standards. The data collected is vital in developing a holistic approach and view of the school performance and expectations. Making an inquiry about the school is necessary because it helps in developing a comprehensive plan for changing issues that need address (Claudet, 2007, p. 7). During The First Meeting with the Administrative Staff in the New School During the first meeting with the teaching and administrative staff, it is crucial to first highlight the issues that need change. I will introduce the assessment to the staff and press to them the need for addressing the issues (Claudet, 2007, p. 9). During this meeting, I will also announce my administrative policies, focused on improving the school. The staffs need to know that the policies n eed fast implementation and absolute commitment. I will also introduce clear expectations on the purpose and goals of the policies I intend to institute in the school. The easy-to-understand and explicit expectations and goals intend to provide a transparent environment for running the school (Ebmier, 2004, p. 7). When I Notice the Frequent Absence of Employees It is vital to investigate reasons for teacher’s absence from school. Then from this investigation, I would
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Mythology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Mythology - Essay Example iewpoint, one which is related to the sacred and religious ideal and the other which shows a specific ideal related to the human element of what death means. The first perception of death in Greek myth that is displayed in the story of Alcestis is by the personification of death as a God. This shows that the Greeks looked at death as a divine entity that was entitled to take the life of those that it wished. As death talks, not only is it seen that this is a divine entity that is able to take the lives of those who are ready to die, but also plays with the lives of those that are about to die for respect and for status among the other gods. This is seen from the beginning of the play when talking to Apollo. In a conversation, Apollo states, â€Å"One life is all you get. Young or old, what difference does it make? Death: Honor. The younger my victim, the more mankind fears and respects me†(Euripedes, lines 80 – 84). This shows that the concept of death is one that is attributed to the gods. When death is able to take a life, it causes a fear and unknowing among the culture. This allows death to remain as a god and to carry the ideal of a god. This sacred concept was one that was accepted by the Greeks and the ideals in which they held about death as a part of their religious philosophies. The concept of the divine is not only one in which the character of Death holds before taking Alcestis. The relationships to the divine by those that are in the play also reflect the idea of death and the mystery that it holds. This relates specifically to the religious and cultural affiliations of what it means to leave the earthly plane. An example of this is when Alcestis is getting ready for her death. She considers the moment sacred and dresses in her finest clothes to prepare. She is then seen praying at every alter in the area to prepare for her journey to the underworld, while asking for assistance for her family and children. The attitude toward death
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Intermediate Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Intermediate Macroeconomics - Essay Example Finally the interest rates are increased by the central bank in a manner to curd the increased investment rate. The IS curves shifts up (Farrokh, 2009, 133). Overall, this move by the central bank reduces the investment and controls the spending. There is no crowding out of investments because the increase in interest rate discourages borrowings and reduces lending by the banks hence limits the investments made by individuals and private investors. There are only few people left in the trade market hence the LM curve shifts downward. However, some economists like Paul Krugman argue that spending by the government causes crowding in instead i.e. investments increases from private sectors but this has not been measured or quantified (Michel and Kevin, 2008, 107) Question 2 The Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) condition is the condition where the difference in the interest rates of two countries equates to the resulting change in exchange rates of the two countries. The exchange rates ar e expressed as a comparison of currency in two different countries. High interest rates in a country correlate with high exchanges. This is examined towards a situation where an increase in interest rates attracts more foreign investments hence causing a rise in exchange rates. This condition is given by the formula (I1-12) =Ee (Hendrik, 2010, 155). Taking an example where UIP exists, assume USA has an interest of 12% and that of Britain is 7%, then the America dollar is expected to depreciate at 5% against the British sterling pound (Maurice, 2009, 169;Michel and Kevin, 2008, 231). Taking an example where UIP does not exist i.e. a profit is actually realized - exchange rate between the Japanese yen and the U.S. dollar is usually stated in yen per dollar (?/$); assuming that exchange rate increases from , say, ?102 to ?109 is an appreciation of the dollar. The UIP is covered against the risk of falling through hedging (Jeff, 2009, 243). Question 3 The LM curve depicts output and the IS curve depicts exchange rate when nominal rate is flexible. This is because a flexible rate leads to balance of buying and selling of bonds and maintains cash at lower levels than other assets. The lower interest rates lead to more investment and vice versa. The essence is that people regulate the markets through spending. The goods market IS, depict exchange rate since if the rate is higher of importing products, consumers use local products more and vice versa. This gives a balance or equilibrium. On the other hand if the exchange rate is fixed, the goods market i.e. IS curve depicts output because the central bank is at the control of funds creating reserves to absorb float rates. Therefore investors’ behavior is directly regulated by the central bank’s decisions (David, 2005, 28). Question 4 For a profit maximizing organization, it is important to hire real labour up to the point where it equals to marginal product labour. Labour is one of the factors of product ion that is demand driven. If an organization intends to increase its output that relies on workers then they have to hire more labourers and vice versa. The output from any one labourer has its limits i.e. the margin (Francois & Radu, 2006, 44). When wages are increased, workers tend to substitute work with leisure hence maintaining the normal production output. They further reach a point where the amount of money they earn doesn’t affect the production (Karl, 2007, 260). At this point economists refer to it as marginal utility. Efficiency wages
Friday, July 26, 2019
Management - Class Reflection Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Management - Class Reflection - Research Paper Example The last and the most important area is the way to write a flawless dissertation in a cohesive way. The Course Content and Outcome This course has provided me in depth knowledge into the various aspects of research process, and also various forms of research. Evidently, the course gives adequate knowledge about the various aspects of research according to American Psychological Association. It also teaches how to do literature review, various aspects of grammar, and also how to develop a good dissertation. The very first thing I learnt is the use of action research. Contrary to my view that research is something different from doing things practically, the course made me learn how it is possible to ‘learn while doing’ through action research. Also, for the first time, I realized that action research is different from other forms of research in the fact that it turns the people involved into active researchers too. Te researchers do things, observe changes, make modificat ions, and try again until a solution is reached. As Greenwood (1999, pp. 85-87) points out, the research takes place in real life situations and the solutions too come out in real life situations; not in just theory as it often happens with other forms of research. Also, I gained the idea how important it is to have the principles of reflexive critique. As Mike (2007) states, the term ‘reflexive critique’ means to reflect on issues and processes and to make explicit the interpretations, biases, assumptions, and concerns upon which judgments are reached. This is important to do because truth is relative to the teller. This helps developing theoretical considerations from practical accounts. In addition are the factors like dialectical critique and collaborative resources. Thus, I learnt the fact that action research is very useful in such real life situations like a workplace to solve real life problems. As Rehm and Cebula (1996, pp. 1-3) point out, another vital point i s the use of the Search Conference tool which can be effectively utilized in various organizations. Two other research areas explained are qualitative research and quantitative research. Sukamolson (n.d) opines that while qualitative research is about counting and measuring things, producing averages and differences in numbers. Qualitative research stems from social science and hence, is more concerned about people’s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and fears. In addition, the course made me understand how qualitative research is more useful in identifying a large number of hidden attitudes and values that will be missed in qualitative research. For example, while quantitative research will help in identifying a trend, qualitative research will be required to find the reason behind that trend (QSR International, 2011). In addition, the study gave an insight into various forms of data collection in qualitative research. They are focus groups, direct observation, and i n depth interviews. Some other methods used in qualitative research are diary methods, role play, simulations, and case studies. Also the course helped me understand how difficult it is to conduct an extensive qualitative research as it is more labor intensive than other forms of research. Some other problems as connected to qualitative research are lack of generalizability, possibility of research bias influencing the observation, and poor reproducibility of the
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Business Ethics Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7
Business Ethics - Article Example Over the last few months errors have been found in foreclosure documentations across the nation, indicating a rush to get the paperwork done. Signatures and notary confirmations have been found to be fake. Baum's firm has processed over 50,000 foreclosure cases since 2007 and he has faced accusations of improper paperwork. Moral questions raise here deal with issues of fairness and justice. 2. In defense of Bau would be the need of banks to recoup their losses from the mortgage crises in property assesses in any way they can. Another defense would be it is wrong for people to sign their names to mortgage contracts when they don't have the ability to pay. 3. It would be interesting in this case to apply, for instance, John Rawl's veil of ignorance to a community of people in a natural state of existence, for example, who have no other considerations but their own rational amount of self-interest. Each of these people have natural hopes and also recognize each others dignity and natura l liberties. These people would be morally violated if they did not have natural rights to such things as home and individual and social welfare.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 23
Human Resource Management - Essay Example Human Resource Management Integrative bargaining on the other hand is used whereby the parties want to maintain relationships for future engagements and where cooperation ensures a win-win situation for parties involved (Phillips & Gully, 2013). In this case, there are mutual issues to be looked into and it involves expanding the pie by looking for alternatives that can benefit both parties. However, it requires a degree of trust and honesty for the negotiations to be successful. The approach involves focusing on the interests of the parties concerned rather than sticking to initial positions, separation of people from the problem and use of objective criteria. Due to the nature of the negotiations, it is difficult to switch from distributive to integrative bargaining. These approaches vary in regard to what is at stake, the outcomes possible and notions of success (Bamber et al. 2010). Union negotiators must get approval from members to a set of bargaining demands hence making it difficult for them to adopt a collaborative approach. Their aim is to get maximum share of resources available especially on pay, hence they must win or else the employees will view them as traitors pursuing self-interest. Besides, more wages means a loss to employers hence it is difficult to cooperate on this issue since the resource is fixed. On the other hand, the lower management may also view the upper management as being compromised by the union hence distrust (Phillips & Gully, 2013, p. 431).
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Leadership in TQM Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Leadership in TQM Theory - Essay Example This is an erroneous assumption, predicated on a misunderstanding of the distinction between authoritarian leadership and involved, proactive leadership. The distinction between the two is not only real but is one which makes all the difference between organisational success and failure; between organisational atrophy and organisational flexibility. As Baker et al. (1993) asserts, effective organisational leadership is a leadership which acknowledges the inherent value of delegation and autonomy but which at the same time, is present and involved; a leadership which displays, not only acumen in decision-making and strategic planning but which has the capacity to proactively to extraordinary circumstances through the utilisation of both change and crisis is management tools, such as demanded by the specific of the situation/crisis/change at hand. The effective leader is, in other words, one who has successfully negotiated the fine balance between involvement and delegation. Defining effective leadership is a challenging endeavour and within the limits of the present research, an impossible one. Nevertheless, by clarifying the research's focus and delimiting the scope of its exploration, the study shall communicate the characteristics of the effective leader within the matrix of Total Quality Management [TQM]. The reason for selecting TQM as the theoretical paradigm from within which the characteristics of the effective leader shall be defined is not because it happens to be the most popular and result-oriented management paradigm today but because, as Gilbert (2004) notes, leadership within TQM organisations are, by definition, highly effective leaders who have successfully negotiated between the exigencies of involvement and delegation, on the one hand, and who function as the founding bloc for an organisational culture which, beyond being fundamentally founded upon strategic management and planning, is constructively responsive to both change and cri sis. Indeed, empirical studies have established that leaders within TQM organisations tends towards the display of higher levels of decision-making and strategic planning acumen than those in non-TQM organisations because strategic planning is both research-based and holistic, on the one hand and because decision-making is shared and knowledge-based, on the other. Following a review of the characteristics of the effective leader and an analysis of effective leadership within the matrix of strategic planning and decision making the research shall look towards case studies drawn from the IT sector in order to demonstrate the extent to which effective leadership is an inherently TQM one, based on an acknowledgement of the imperatives of information-based strategic planning and shared decision-making, while ineffective leadership is the very antithesis of the stated. 2 Leadership in TQM Theory TQM is, as Easton and Jarrell (1998) maintain, a comprehensive organisational management system which is based upon the integration of several managerial perspectives, approaches and theories into one, in acknowledgement of the complexity of organisational structures themselves. However,
Happiness Essay Example for Free
Happiness Essay Nowadays, people talk a lot about happiness; they even write tens and hundreds of books dealing with this concept from a philosophical perspective in order to find its relationship with daily life. Unfortunately, there are always controversies about the nature and origin of happiness: is it health, love, money, job, or success? In fact, happiness cannot be reached as a treasure such as gold or silver because it is more expensive than all that brings you wealth. In other words, happiness can be considered as a diamond in the depths of sea that needs a gifted diver who looks at life from a realistic corner with plenty of hope and enthusiasm. Sometimes, we just forget that happiness is a sense of inner joy that could be easily reachable by programming our souls and regulating our moods in order to feel happy in every occasion no matter how small it is. In fact, it will be good if people try to acquire the habit of enjoying things throughout their lives by opening minds and taking every single minute to laugh and feel good. Happiness can be found by reading the beauty of the world through a rose blooming, a green carpet of grass, a child playing innocently, or even a bird singing. Our misunderstanding to ourselves as humans could be the most dangerous threat to our happiness. We will be happier if we look inside ourselves for innocence and spontaneity because it will be a good start to get back the beautiful smile that we used to have as children. If we look to happiness as a concept, it will be hard to reach; on the other hand, if we look at it as a set of little habits, it will be easily reachable. But this happiness will remain a concept if we do not separate it from pride and vanity. People all over the world are looking for the source of happiness or sadness, but they could not identify their roots accurately. Human beings tend to believe that happiness will knock on their doors when they achieve success, or sadness will cross their path when they encounter a failure. Unfortunately, life is not that easy. There are many people who feel sadness despite the achieved success and wealth, and there are also those who feel happy despite the failure they are going through. The real happiness is the nner one that remains with you no matter what failure you have experienced in the process of your life. Maybe money and success make your life easier and more comfortable, but the feeling of happiness is far from being got through the use of external things. The road to this attractive concept is mainly based on the inner ability of human to control and guide their souls throughout their good and bad experiences in life. The psychologist Ed Diener states when describing happiness: â€Å"Happiness is a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive emotions than negative emotions. (Diener, Chapter 1). When talk comes to happiness, people always associate it with getting what they think they want from life. In my point of view, happiness can be reached not because we get what we want, but because we concentrate our focus on what we get while forgetting about the rest of things we still need. At this point, happiness gives you the initial step to start your path to be happy, and it is your choice to pursue this feeling or just stop it on the road and kill your joy by negative thoughts. In fact, happiness depends on the human personality because of the simple reason that some people have tendency to look at the empty half of the glass without taking in consideration that the other half is full. At this stage, people have to take a moment to relax and remember that their glasses are half full, and they just should enjoy their happiness the longer they can. Thus, by changing our view of life we can feel happiness as long as we are alive, because life is not worth feelings such sadness and fear. To conclude, we may be happier when we realize that happiness is not a package that comes from the sky, but a moment when we should enjoy what we have and chase all what gives us feelings of fear or negative emotions. Because happiness comes from the inside, we should build a strong foundation on which we can count to achieve external goals. This way, we will be able to enjoy our present and build our future far from troubles that stop us to take risks and accept their results.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Discuss the Character and Functions of Sandra Essay Example for Free
Discuss the Character and Functions of Sandra Essay Beautiful Thing is set in London this is used to illustrate what Sandras character is like. Sandra Gangle is a tough middle class woman, who lives in a tidy council flat in South London. Sandra is house proud she likes everything in it to be nice looking. An example of this is the hanging baskets hanging on the wall out side her house. Sandra also looks after her self we can tell this by the Body Shop products on the floor. Sandra has many roles in this play, which include being mother, neighbour, barmaid, single parent, workingwoman and a girlfriend. Sandra is a survivor in the sense that she is bringing up a son all on her own and she has to pay for every thing her self. When I had three pee in my purse I went robbing for that boy This Indicates Sandras loyalty towards to her son, and how much she cares for him and tries to provide for him. An alternative example of how deprived Sandra was that I couldnt afford a cot This proves that however much Sandra tried and robbed she still couldnt afford the basics. Sandra is also very abusive, using foul language to insult people. A good example of Sandras abusive language is the first word of the play, which is SLAG. This shows a major part of Sandras character and is used to set the scene for the rest of the story. Although Sandra uses foul language she prevents Jamie using it by saying Language, Jamie! when he tells Leah I dont need fuckin elp. This is because it is disrespectful to use to bad language and she wants to bring him up to the best of her ability. Foul language is mainly used to add tension to the story. Sandra character is harsh in the way that she talks to people. This can be demonstrated by the way she talks to Leah on several occasions Face facts Leah, no bugger wants you and shut up By saying this Sandra is being tactless and insensitive towards Leahs feelings. Sandra is most thoughtless towards Leah. Sandra is also harsh in the way she describes Steves father We all know his dad leathers him, Im only having a laugh. This is used to demonstrate how heartless and insensitive Sandra really is. Steves father was very aggressive towards him on numerous occasions. He punches him for know reason and even threw him out once for burning the toast. One time when Steve was thrown out he went round to see Sandra to explain what had happened to him. The type of caring person that Sandra is she took him in. After listening to Steve she told him he could stay the night. Then said this to Steves dad Your little Stevens round at our place tonight. Ive every mind to report you. This shows the sensitive and caring side that Sandra has. Among all Sandras responsibilities she tries her best to monitor Jamies progress at school. Sandra makes sure of this by the phrase I shall be checking your homework when I get in. This is to ensure he is doing well. Sandra is also very unreliable like when she is supposed to check Jamies homework she doesnt even though she promises too do so. Telling Jamie Ooh, Sod that, Im knackered gives a mixed impression that she is trying her best to provide money but is short of time due to working, and this is why she is tired. Another shocking point is that Sandra is incredibly judgemental. Coming to negative conclusions without thinking about the consequences and affects that it has on other people. Sandra proves her character is judgemental by telling Leah A Leopard never changes its spots and a slapper never changes her knickers. An alternative example of Sandra being judgmental is when she tells Jamie I want you inside. Shes a bad influence. Both these quotes prove how Sandra is quick to form an unpleasant opinion of someone. Additionally Sandra is also extremely boastful and is keen to tell others about her achievements. Bragging to a group of friends telling them I won that hanging basket in the south east Thames barmaid at the year awards. Sandra is proving that she is significantly more than an average barmaid the proof of this was winning the award.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Brics In The Global System Economics Essay
The Brics In The Global System Economics Essay In 2006, as BRICs mania gathered momentum, the four governments, at the initiative of former Russian President Vladimir Putin, collectively lifted themselves from the pages of investment reports to hold their first foreign ministers meeting on the sidelines of the annual UN General Assembly session. After a second meeting of the four foreign ministers in New York in September 2007, the BRICs launched a consultative process at the level of deputy foreign ministers to foster regular contacts and multilateral diplomacy. By 2008 the four BRICs foreign ministers, and on a different track the finance ministers, established a process to hold regular meetings to discuss common approaches to international problems, including the global financial crisis. Again at Russias initiative, the four BRIC heads of state met in July on the sidelines of the G8 (the G7 plus Russia) summit in Japan and plans were laid for a formal summit to be held in the Ural mountains city of Ekaterinburg, Russia in June 2009. Despite the groups improbable beginnings, BRICs were on a roll. 2. Successive communiquà ©s from follow-on meetings enumerated demands for an adjustment of global governance structures to better reflect the BRICs rising share of global output, trade, and financial flows. Nearly 60 percent of the total 14 increase in world output in 2000-2008 took place in developing and transitional countries, half of which occurred in the BRICS; their share of global GDP during the same period rose from 16 to 22 percent. Current projections estimate that China will overtake Japan as the worlds second largest economy in about 2010, and within the next two decades the top three economies in the world are expected to be China, the U.S., and India, with Russia and Brazil moving higher within the top ten. 3. BRICS symbolises the collective economic power of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together the BRICS account for more than 40 per cent of the global population, nearly 30 per cent of the land mass, and a share in world GDP (in PPP terms) that increased from 16 per cent in 2000 to nearly 25 per cent in 2010 and is expected to rise significantly in the near future. The Rise of BRICS 4. BRICS, the five of the most important rising economic powers in the early twenty-first century, have emerged individually as second-tier regional powers and collectively as a joint presence in world politics. Although BRICS diplomacy took wing under Western radar, it now features well-publicised regular summits, communiquà ©s summarising common positions and demands, and activities to promote peer learning and public diplomacy. Goldman Sachss analyses may have indirectly spawned an incentive to collaborate diplomatically, but the bank is not alone in identifying (and promoting) such trends. Even before the global economic downturn, attention had begun to focus on the post-American world, a non-polar world, and especially the rise of China. 15 5. The BRICS countries have a significant strategic position on their continents: the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa. Taken together, these five countries account for approximately 30 per cent of the earths surface. The importance of this vast territory is related to the amount of their mineral, water and energy resources, the availability of fertile land for agriculture and their biodiversity. All five countries have intensively developed activities in these areas with varying degree of success. The relative importance of agriculture and extractive activities, the transformation of mineral and energy resources and the magnitude of the BRICS agro-diversity are shown by their share in global trade in commodities and in the evolution of industrial activities. Their rich biodiversity also provides the opportunity for the development of very dynamic industries such as pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. 6. The total population of the BRICS is even more significant than their territory. The BRICS percentage of global population remained constant at around 43 percent of the worlds total population over the period 1985-2005. Chinas share of the world population declined from 22.1 percent in 1982 to 19.6 percent in 2005. However the population of all the other BRICS except Russia increased. The most significant increase in population occurred in India, which had 17.4 percent of the world population in 2005. This large share of the population represents both a challenge ad a source of opportunities. Challenges that frequently occur in large populations are those to do with the provision of water, food, energy and sanitation, as well as with the health and education systems. Other undesirable challenges associated with the population problem take the form of unemployment and the high degree of inequality in the distribution of income. These problems are common to the five countries, where a significant portion of the population lacks access to essential goods and services, and demand urgent redress. Data available from the United Nations show that Brazil and South Africa are among the countries with the worst distribution of income and that India and Russia are among those with the 16 largest percentage of the population living below the poverty line, 28.6 percent and 30.9 percent respectively in the mid 2000s. Problems related to the perverse distribution of income and limited access to public services (education, health, housing and urban infrastructure, public safety etc.) are reflected in their low human development index. 7. Huge regional disparities in human and economic development are evident in all five countries. In general, the wealthier are those that are more industrialised. Regional redistribution of income and access to essential goods and services represent a significant challenge that these five countries have in common. 8. Regarding the structure and performance of production, the combined GDP of the BRICS (in terms of purchasing power parity) represented in 2007 approximately 23 per cent of world GDP, more than the United States. In that year, China and India accounted for 10.8 percent and 4.8 percent of world GDP respectively. The economic performance of the BRICS has, however, varied widely in the last decades. China has maintained the fastest growing economy worldwide. India has grown significantly and more regularly. Russia after experiencing a severe crisis in the 1990s, and being faced with significant disorganization of the socialist economy, began a phase of significant growth in this decade propelled by the role of oil and gas in the economy. Brazil and South Africa have seen a small improvement in their economic performance, also well below their potential. 9. The spectacular economic growth in China is mostly due to the competitiveness of its manufacturing sector. It is important to point out that the industrial system in China has diversified to a significant degree during the last 25 years. The most noteworthy change, in recent years, has been the growth in the consumer durables and electronics sectors. In China, the share of technologically 17 intensive sectors in industrial output during the middle of the present decade approached 35 percent of the total value added by the manufacturing sector. This share is between 14 percent and 17 percent in the other four countries. 10. All the BRICS have raised their export and import levels in the last two decades, both in volume terms and as a share of GDP. In China, Russia and South Africa, foreign trade reached, in 2002, more than 50 percent of GDP while in Brazil and India it represented approximately 30 percent of GDP. Except South Africa, which has not increased its share of world exports in the last ten years, all the other four countries experienced high growth in exports? On the import side, all five countries increased their share of world imports, with the exception of Brazil. 11. The BRICS have been the recipient of significant amounts of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the last 50 years. Prior to 1984, Brazil received the greatest amount of FDI of all the BRICS. Although China reached the same level in 1985, Brazil continued to be a major destination for FDI during the 1990s, most notably during the process of privatization that took place during that decade. 12. China became the largest recipient of FDI in the world beginning in1993. The Chinese policy of attracting multinational companies was part of a strategy to expand their technological knowledge and later to strengthen domestic industries and companies. In China and India, where the capital account was not liberalized, FDI seems to have been concentrated in new investments in production and innovation. The other BRICS countries i.e. Brazil, Russia and South Africa, where the economies were liberalized with fewer restrictions, received more portfolio investment. This demonstrates the economic and political importance of the BRICS. The increase in the degree of influence of these countries took place during a period marked by intense transformation in the economy and global society. One of 18 this is the integration in the economy and society of significant proportion of previously marginalised segment of the BRICS population. 13. The crisis that started to affect the world economy in 2007-2008 has repositioned the role and importance of the BRICS. In a new scenario characterised by geopolitical realignment and where the role and function of the state in the economy are being redefined, their economic weight has in fact increased. Also, their capacity to remain immune is seen as a relevant source of ideas about how to survive during the crisis and to find ways of overcoming it. The differentiated role of the BRICS in the configuration of global power and the global economy will in some way constrain the evolution of their domestic system for innovation. Also, their national system of innovation are highly dependent on their historical development and on how the different domestic actors interpret global developments as well as how they position themselves in the national and international economies. On the other hand, more room for manoeuvre for setting up new industrial and technological policies may be e xpected. Significance of BRICS 14. The BRICS countries have consistently displayed high annual growth rate since 1980. China has grown at about 9.8%, followed by India at around 5.8% and Russia also at about the same level as India, while Brazil showed 2.4% growth. In comparison, the large industrialized nations group of seven (G-7) have shown 2.7% average annual growth. China and India have shown sustained growth by maintaining significantly high growth rates over a long period. 19 15. BRICS share of the global economy has increased by 1.5% over the last decade. During the period 2000-03, the BRIC countries contributed 1.4% of the annual global growth rate of 3.3% at purchasing power parity. Over the period 1980-2003, the per capita GDP at purchasing power parity has grown twelve fold in China, quadrupled in India, more than double in Brazil. In Russia, per capita GDP has increased by 50% over the 1998 levels. This indicates an overall increase in prosperity in BRICs. Accordingly the living standards have gone up in the BRIC economies, and the gap between the BRICs and advanced economies is narrowing down.(page 32 Sujatha) 16. This is also perhaps the most opportune time for forging closer links, given that the world economy is in a state of flux and a rebalancing is taking place towards the emerging economies. Their pivotal role in the global recovery has already catapulted the BRICs into the leadership role, which needs further cementing through greater interface among economies. Key Indicators and Statistics 20 17. Economic Growth and Development of the BRICs (a) From 2000 to 2008, the BRIC countries combined share of total world economic output rose from 16 to 22 percent. Together, the BRIC countries accounted for 30 percent of the increase in global output during the period. (b) To date, the scale of Chinas economy and pace of its development has out-distancebd those of its BRIC peers. China alone contributed more than half of the BRIC countries share and greater than 15 percent of the growth in world economic output from 2000 to 2008. The chart above on key development indicators for the BRIC countries shows the sharp contrast in GDP, merchandise exports and the UNDPs Human Development Index (HDI) between China and the other BRIC countries. 18. Growing BRIC Middle Class (a) The rapid economic growth and demographics of China and India are expected to give rise to a large middle class whose consumption would help drive the BRICs economic development and expansion of the global economy. The charts below depict how the increase in the middle class population of the BRIC countries is forecasted to more than double that of the developed G7 economies. 21
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Bismark Essay -- essays research papers
II. Summary 1)     The book I have reviewed, Bismarck, is a complex look at the life of the German legend, and is certainly intended for historians not unlike the author himself. Palmer does not exclude any part of the man’s life even dwelling into his childhood and adolescence. His attention to details is very apparent, even to his own admission, using public and private letters written by Bismarck himself. This book is not intended for a student looking for a little more information on the subject, nor the minimal information needed to satisfy the general public. The book was obviously written by someone who greatly admired Bismarck, and spared no expense in writing as much as he could about him. 2)      Otto Van Bismarck was born April 1st 1815, son of mother Wilhelmine von Bismarck, and father Ferdinand, a Prussian landowner. He studied at Gottingen and Berlin, and after holding minor administrative offices he was elected to the Prussian Landtag in 1847. While in the Landtag, he advocated the unification of Germany under the aegis of Prussia, and was opposed to the liberal movements. He gained the position of ambassador to St. Petersburg, in 1859, and soon after became the ambassador to Paris in 1862. There he would gain much insight and experience that would determine his future policies.      Bismarck was appointed premier by the King of Prussia, William I, in the king’s effort to secure his military program, which was strongly opposed by the parliament. With his new position Bismarck ultimately, instigated the Austro-Prussian War, as well as the Franco-Prussian War, in order to rid the German Confederation, and fully unify Germany. A struggle for power ensued between Bismarck and William II, which finished with Bismarck’s dismissal and finally his retirement. III. Analysis 1) The author of this book, Alan Palmer, is a reliable historian educated at Oxford University. He is an expert in European History and even headed the History Department in Highgate School. He left his post of sixteen years to concentrate on historical writing and research. He went on to publish eighteen books on numerous leaders and empires of Europe. His work includes, Napoleon in Russia, Alexander I: Tsar of War and Peace, The Decline and Fall of the Ottoman Empire and many more. 2)   &n... ...eveled in it. His credentials were well established having graduated from Oxford and writing many other books based on the same period of time in Europe.      The book was written very straightforward, and did not zig zag from different periods of time, but instead stayed in a chronological order, which helped the book flow easily from one event to the other. The book also stayed on topic, never straying off the topic of Bismarck, and remaining a biography, rather than a history book. Bismarck’s nature and personality were shown through examples such as letters, articles and speeches.      The author also stayed true to his word, and did not force his own opinions or interests into the book. The author left it up to facts to prove his own feelings, and did not mettle with history in order to preserve his own feelings. He showed Bismarck as a great, but not perfect man. In closing, I would recommend this book to anyone with a strong interest in Germany, and someone who wanted to know more about the man who helped create it. Bismark Copyright 1976 by Alan Palmer Copyright under the Berne Convention Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York
Zeynep Tons A Minimum Wage Essay -- elastic supply, demand, employees
The article that I am studying is Zeynep Ton's A minimum wage hike could help employers, too, in the Harvard Business Review. This article is a speculative piece about the effects of proposed minimum wage increases at the federal level. The author takes a look at companies that superior wages and benefits for their industry. The underlying theme is that this is juxtaposed against a common argument that raising the minimum wage will be universally harmful. The common argument takes beginner's level supply and demand graphs and uses them as the basis for the claim. The basic elastic supply and demand graph shows that as the cost of a good increases, demand for that good declines. Thus, if the minimum wage increases, businesses will face higher costs, will pass those costs onto consumers, will suffer lower profits or will reduce employment, or some combination of these negative outcomes. The author here is pointing out that the world is a heck of a lot more complex than that. Microeconomics does not end with the study of rudimentary supply and demand graphs, but incorporates a broader range of considerations into its arguments. The author highlights a couple of those arguments. The first is the "good jobs strategy". The second is the efficiency concept. The two are at times related. First, microeconomic principles can be used to examine the good jobs strategy. The author cites four firms in particular – Trader Joe's, Costco, Spanish supermarket chain Mercadona and convenience store chain QuikTrip. The author acknowledges that these companies do not have too many similarities, perhaps except for the nature of the goods they sell – they are all in convenience and food retailing. This industry is characterized by a st... ...vers. Better people won't work for minimum wage, but better people make for stronger companies. And what of customers? There are price elasticities of demand to consider in this argument. They are not relevant at Costco, and Trader Joe's is good value for its competitive niche, but many Americans are perfectly willing to pay a higher price for better quality. Yes, there are other considerations not mentioned here – the effect of minimum wage on overall inflation and things like that – but the article is a great starting point for understanding the complexity of microeconomic analysis that goes beyond the superficial analysis we often see in the media. Works Cited Ton, Z. (2014). A minimum wage hike could help employers, too. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 2, 2014 from
Friday, July 19, 2019
Grandma and Grandpa - My Grandmother :: Personal Narrative Profile
My Grandmother Children! The sound of her strident voice reverberates down the narrow stairwell. I remember that musty, dark, winding stairwell that led to her second floor apartment in Glendale as vividly as I did the day I established a meaningful relationship with my grandmother. Through this relationship, I have come to know her as a friend, a confidante, and lastly, a woman I admire. I was only seven at the time, and the only thing I cared about was the fact that my grandmother spoke in a very loud and grating voice, and that she kept on patting my hand (which annoyed me to no end). My grandparents are separated- my grandfather lives with us, while she lives in a separate apartment by herself in Glendale. My family and I used to eat lunch at her house every week. I remember trudging up the dank, squeaky stairs with my siblings, yelling "An-yang!!"(grandmother) all the way. She would yell in a similar fashion "Ah! Shua- nging!" (ah, children!) Smells of old- fashioned Shanghainese cooking would assail my senses, as my mouth watered in anticipation of the savories to come. One particular afternoon, after we had finished eating, we draped ourselves around her living room. I was sitting on a dilapidated couch, whose colors were made indiscernible by time, and was looking around her room. My gaze swept from the thin, worn carpet, bare in some places, to the scarred wooden dresser, to a dirty doll with an eye missing. (My grandmother could never bear to throw anything away). She came and sat down next to me, taking my hand in hers. The tight braid at the nape of her neck was coming undone. Wisps of thick black hair framed her square face. I looked down at the contrast between our hands- my hand was unblemished, pale and smooth, while her hand was mottled with age spots, tanned, and leathery. She started to pat my hand in the most annoying fashion, while telling me how large my feet were. I was somewhat surprised, because I had always been told that my feet were rather small for my size. Then I saw her feet. Her feet were deformed and incredibly stunted. Her toes grew in a peculiar
Thursday, July 18, 2019
The Transformation of Psychology
The Transformation of Pyschology From the 1920s to today, psychology has surely developed. Technological advancements as well as new ideas and ways of thinking about the subject helped to reform what psychology is today. Rather than completely changing, psychology has actually built up more and more through the decades. New branches were added to the field as those who studied it made new breakthroughs. Over the years many scientists and psychologists have contributed to the transformation of psychology. Up until the 1920’s, psychology was defined as the science of mental life.It wasn’t until then that the idea of behaviorism became more prominent in psychology. During the time period between the 1920’s and the 1960’s, American psychologists led by John Watson redefined the meaning of psychology into a science of mental life and observable behavior. Not only did Watson redefine psychology, he also started the psychological school of behaviorism. It was als o around this time that Watson and his partner Rosalie Rayner conducted their conditioning experiment. The idea of classical conditioning came into play when behaviorism became a major branch of psychology.Between the 1950’s and 1970s, the mental perspective of psychology came back, producing another new branch. This new branch was called cognitive psychology. Cognitive psychology focused mainly on mental processes such as thinking, problem solving, memory, decision making, and language. The term â€Å"cognitive psychology†was first used in 1967 by the American psychologist named Ulric Neisser. To go along with cognitive psychology is the topic of cognitive development. This theory was concerned with the development of a person’s thought process.Jean Piaget published The Moral Judgment of Children which began his popularity as a theorist in cognitive development. As a reaction to behaviorism and psychoanalysis (a type developed by Freud, before the 1920s) , ano ther new type of psychology called humanism arose. Humanistic psychology stressed the importance of self-actualization and growth, and focused mainly on one’s potential. This new view on psychology was created by Abraham Maslow in the 1950s. He published Toward a Psychology of Being, in which he described humanistic psychology as â€Å"the third force†in psychology (behind behavioral and psychoanalysis).After the emergence of these new branches, psychology started to become more technologically advanced. Scientists and psychologists became interested in exploring the brain without removing it from subjects. They started to develop new technology. An example of this was in 1981, when a team developed the PET scan, which enabled doctors to view a computer generated image of the brain and when it is most active during certain mental activities. Today, technology continues to improve, which help psychologists discover more. Through the decades, psychology has undergone so me great changes.As new ideas came into play, new ways of thinking molded and shaped psychology into what it is today. Not only did psychology become a science of behavioral and mental life, but it also gained new branches that go even deeper. Psychology will most likely continue to grow and develop over the years. As technology advances, scientists and psychologists will discover even more and psychology will continue to expand as it did from the 1920’s until now.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The man we call Benjamin Franklin
The aspiration of this story is to compare and contrast the websites on Ben Franklins auto career and his auto history. While disseminating the life of benjamin Franklin by means of his autobiography, one learns much close the reality. However when disseminating cultivation remove in the three websites below, an some opposite small-arm lento creeps out from behind the man already revealed. Which one is the real benzoin Franklin? While observing the cornucopia of a man one learns that only by the process of comparing and contrasting exit one be able to sight a solid face on the man we c tout ensemble gum benzoin Franklin. every the websites addressed in this paper voice common subject matter only are different in basis of analytical approach and main strain. The biography by Edmund S. Morgan calls upon the reader to reconsider traditional assumptions about asa dulcis Franklin and move away(p) from standardized cliches. While he is stovepipe kn knowledge as the author of the closure of Independence, the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, and the Constitution, these werent his main achievements furthermore, the documents (with the exception of the Declaration of Independence) didnt reflect his views and beliefs.However, this shouldnt lead to the certainty that Franklin was a not-so-important estimate in the the Statesn history. Rather than that, the author suggests that Franklin should be applauded for opposite achievement and traits of character His was probably the to the highest degree brilliant mind that intimately wad who knew him had ever met, but he rarely showed it in humansHis mind would be quietly at work, toilsome to run across the world and the pack he found in it, thinking of ways to get under ones skin their lives easier (Morgan, 2005, para. 4). Edmund S.Morgan believes that one of the major contributions of gum benzoin Franklin was through with(predicate) his writings. Also, more attention should be nonrecre ational to Franklins role as an countenance for American interests in England. In general, the biography tries to present a softer side of Franklins savour It may be salutary at first to dispel the prototype of him as an all overweight scholar peering from his desk over the bifocal glasses he invented (Morgan, 2005, para. 8). phosphate buffer solution website also tries to reveal Ben Franklins personality to the readers. The website focuses on multiple identities Franklin possessed both as a public figure and personality.The website glorifies Franklin as Abolitionist, Almanac maker, Advertiser, Balloon enthusiast, Bifocals inventor, Composer, Cartoonist, civil Citizen, Chess Player, Deist, Diplomat, Daylight Savings advocate, reasonableness thinker, Electricity pioneer, Experimenter, Entrepreneur, innovation Father, Flirt, Fire fighter, crank Armonica creator, Gulf Stream mapper, Genius, Humorist, Health nut, artisan, multi corporational celebrity, Insurer, Junto creato r, Journalist, Kite flyer, Librarian, Lightning rod inventor, Londoner, checkup Engineer, Militia member, Mathematician, Mason, Natural philosopher, Organizer (militia, conjure up dept., street cleaning), Odometer maker, Printer, Public dealing master, Publisher, Prankster, Questioner, Quartermaster, quintessential American, Revolutionary, Reader, Scientist, Swimmer, Self-made man, Traveler, Treaty signer, University builder, Volunteer, Visionary, Vegetarian (temporarily), Writer, lading lifter, Xenophile, Young prodigy, Yankee, Yarn spinner, and Zealot. Perhaps the most evoke out of all these epithets is Quintessential American. The website tries to paint a picture of Franklin as a typical representative of the American nation and a symbol of all its virtues and achievements, such as Self-education, Physical Activity, and incorrupt Perfection. At the same time, the website acknowledges that benzoin Franklin was no ordinary man, since he possessed heavy(p) qualities and ski lls. It is suggested that Ben Franklin helped define the concept of good citizenship through his involvement in and commitment to club on the local level and the nation on the global levelBen Franklin believed that people volunteering together in a spirit of cooperation could accomplish cracking things. Driven by a strong sense of civil duty, he involved himself in his community and his nation (PBS, 2002, Citizen Ben, para. 1). The website presents Franklins biography in an interactive and engaging way without whippy accuracy and objectiveness. The only limitation of this choicefulness is that the nurture is not well-structured and far from presenting a comprehensive picture.The third website present the most, in my opinion, consistent and informative variance of Franklins biography. It is structured according to the major periods of Franklins life, i. e. Humble Beginnings Franklin in Boston, A genuine Journeyman Franklin in Philadelphia, A scream Unfulfilled Franklin in L ondon, Sprouting root Back in Philadelphia, A fussy Retirement, and The American Patriot Franklin and Independence. Each member of the biography presents all the necessary reading without going into unnecessary detail. Another cause feature of this biography is that it is accompanied with voluminous graphical assist. Yet it would be a mistake to say that ThinkQuest presents a wry and scholarly biography of Benjamin Franklin it offers human race touch through little socialize details about this great manInspired by his namesake uncle Benjamin, young Ben imperturbable historic ballads (one was about the pirate Blackbeard) that were printed by his brother James in his appetiser print shop. The poems sold well (ThinkQuest, 1998, raise Facts). In order to determine how believable a certain piece of information is, it is necessary to analyze the source of this information in terms of legitimacy and executable bias. Edmund S. Morgan is a well-established historian specializing in proterozoic compound history of AmericaEdmund Morgan has authored haemorrhoid of books on Puritan and early colonial history, which are acclaimed for both their scholarly focus and their appeal to a general earshot Morgan, who joined the Yale readiness in 1955 and retired in 1986, has received manyhonors during his long direction career at YaleCurrently the run of the board of The Benjamin Franklin Papersthe Universitys huge project publishing materials related to the Founding Father and inventorMorgan is now at work on a sight of Franklin, who, he believes, is one of the most interesting people who ever lived (Gonzalez, 2001).However, excessive wonder with Benjamin Franklin might come as a detriment to impartiality and objectivity the two essential characteristics of any biographical writing. PBS website has little bias of this kind, however, it is oft unclear where the information they are apply comes from. There are no references or acknowledgements no links to a ny whole caboodle of Franklin or presumable diachronic testify is present. While Edmund S. Morgan extensively refers to Franklins own works, PBS website presents a simplified and pared-down version of Franklin biography. ThinkQuest is the only website that cites its references in an appropriate way.The authors of the biography acknowledge that they based their writing on such publications as Benjamin Franklin by Carl Van Doren, The Man Who Dared the Lightning-A New research at Benjamin Franklin by doubting Thomas Fleming, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Ben Franklin Laughing by P. M. Zall, Benjamin Franklin Founding Father and Inventor by Leila Merrell Foster, and a number of other books and media resources. ThinkQuest is also an interesting information resource since it provides a sound general overview of the historical conditions existing in America in Franklins times.The website offers definition of different historical phenomena that are important for the general n arrative, such as King George I, French and Indian War (1754-1763), and other. All the biographies present a certain picture of colonial America through the life career of Benjamin Franklin, it is possible to understand tense relations between Europe and America, heated delve around the issue of slavery, and the rise of American identity and civil consciousness. However, the most credible source of information on Franklins life and times is his autobiography.This autobiography is of great relevance to the modern reader, and not but for the reason that it provides an insight into the life of Benjamin Franklin. In his autobiography, Franklin shares his thoughts as to the organization of produce and society, role of the citizens, position of America on the worlds stage and other matters of great interest and importance however for the modern reader. For example, he expresses concerns over the jolt between religion and civil fancy of citizenship, as he recollects that English were trying to plant certain religious ideas in AmericaSince not a wiz moral principle was inculcated or enforcd, their aim seeming to be rather to make us Presbyterians than good citizens (Franklin, 2003, p. 66). As for superfluous and types of sources, that would give greater confidence in your understanding Franklin, it is necessary to mention Franklins writings in the first place. As Edmund S. Morgan (2005, para. 5) correctly points out, in the awesome bulk of his papers, equivalent weight of 47 fat volumes of print, all operational on this website, we can see Franklin whole. extra insight can be gained from reviewing resources consecrated to the American colonial history greater understanding of conditions and developments of that era can aid the process of enhancing knowledge about Benjamin Franklin as a statesman, scientist, and outstanding public figure. References Franklin, Benjamin. (2003). The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York Touchstone. Gonzalez, Susan. (Janu ary 12, 2001). Edmund S. Morgan sterling(prenominal) Professor Emeritus. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from http//www.yale. edu/history/faculty/morgan. html Morgan, Edmund S. (2005). Introduction to the Papers of Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from http//www. franklinpapers. org/franklin/framedMorgan. jspjsessionid=86AD99C9931B8DF535D2C1CD6A1E6923 PBS. (2002). Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from http//www. pbs. org/benfranklin/ ThinkQuest. (1998). The lifetime of Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved September 5, 2007, from http//library. thinkquest. org/22254/home. htm
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